What area code is 02382?

What area code is 02382?

02380, 02381 & 02382 02380 numbers, 02381 numbers and 02382 numbers are all part of the 023 area code for Southampton, Portsmouth and the surrounding area.

Where is 01598 Phone code?

01598 area code information

Area code: 01598
Location: Lynton
Ceremonial county: Devon
Local number length: 6 digits
Number format: 01598 xxxxxx

Which city code is 01252?

01252 area code information

Area code: 01252
Location: Aldershot
Ceremonial county: Hampshire
Local number length: 6 digits
Number format: 01252 xxxxxx

What area phone code is 03453?

0345 numbers are not an area code; they are a non-geographic number. Calling this number is charged the same a s calling a normal business landline or even a home line. This is within the UK. The numbers that start with three are charged the same prices as the ones that start with 01 or 02.

Who called 02382149278?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 02382149278 that called you is a delivery phone spam!

Who called 02381032800?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our user’s reports, there is a high possibility that the telephone number 02381032800 that called you truly belongs to NHS . Currently, we do not have any official confirmation, so we advise you to be cautious when speaking with the caller.

What area code is 01508 in the UK?

01508 Area Code The location for 01508 is Brooke, UK. The 01508 area code will allow you to make calls to Brooke from wherever in the world you are.

Who called 01252810995?

Caller identification ⚠️ According to our users’ reports, there is a high probability that the telephone number 01252810995 that called you is phone spam! At the moment we are unable to verify that this number is genuine and truly belongs to The National Crime Agency.

How much does it cost to call 0345?

Calls to an 0345 UK-wide number from a landline phone for approximately one minute are 9p. Calls to an 0345 UK-wide number from a mobile phone for approximately one minute are between 3p to 55p. Calls to an 0345 UK-wide number from a UK payphone cost more.

Are 03457 calls free on EE?

Good news! 0345 numbers are free to call on EE. They are charged at the standard local rate, which means that if you have a contract with EE or are using Pay As You Go, these numbers are included within your price plan, and you can use your minutes to call them at no extra charge.

Who called 01508?

The location for 01508 is Brooke, UK. The 01508 area code will allow you to make calls to Brooke from wherever in the world you are.


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