What arguments does crito make?

What arguments does crito make?

On a more ethical level, Crito presents two more pressing arguments: first, if he stayed, he would be aiding his enemies in wronging him unjustly, and would thus be acting unjustly himself; and second, that he would be abandoning his sons and leaving them without a father.

What are the three moral appeals Socrates argues for in the crito?

(1) One must never do wrong. (2) Therefore, one must never return a wrong for a wrong. (3) As injuring one is the same as doing wrong to him, one must never injure another.

What are the four arguments in the Phaedo?

The Phaedo gives us four different arguments for the immortality of the soul: The Argument from Opposites, the Theory of Recollection, the Argument from Affinity, and the final argument, given as a response to Cebes’ objection.

What are Socrates arguments for the immortality of the soul?

This argument is often called the Cyclical Argument. It supposes that the soul must be immortal since the living come from the dead. Socrates says: “Now if it be true that the living come from the dead, then our souls must exist in the other world, for if not, how could they have been born again?”.

What argument does Crito give Socrates sons?

What argument does Crito give regarding Socrates’ son? Socrates’ sons won’t be raised and educated by their father leaving them as orphans. What is Socrates’ principle about keeping just agreements? If you make an agreement, the individual must fulfill it.

What is the Crito dialogue about?

Socrates tries to use REASON (rather than the values embedded in his culture) to determine whether an action is right or wrong. The dialogue called the “Crito” contains an image of Socrates trying to adopt what could be called THE MORAL POINT OF VIEW (as opposed to the point of view of one’s religion or society).

What are Crito’s arguments that Socrates should escape?

One of Crito’s strongest arguments in favor of escape comes at 45c, where Crito suggests that Socrates would be abetting the wrong-doing of his enemies in following through with their wishes. Socrates’ reply to this argument is that he would in fact be harming the Laws, which are just.

Which argument or reason does Crito give for Socrates to escape that you think is the most convincing Why?

Crito is of the opinion that it would not be wrong for Socrates to escape because he has been imprisoned unjustly. Socrates does not agree with him and, accordingly, sets forth his reasons for holding that one is obliged to submit to the punishment imposed on him, even though the punishment may be an unjust one.

Which argument is provided in the Phaedo in support of the theory of recollection?

The main argument of the Phaedo for the Theory of Recollection and the Immortality of the Soul. 1. Our ability to judge objects of experience whether they are more or less perfect *presupposes* that we already have the concepts of perfect objects in our minds.

What is Plato’s final argument?

With these preliminaries in mind, it is now possible to formalise Plato’s final argument for the immortality of the soul. The final argument (FA) can be summarised as follows: The thing that makes the body alive when present is the soul, so the soul brings life to whatever it occupies.

What argument is offered for the soul’s immortality quizlet?

What argument is offered for the soul’s immortality? The reason the body dies is because it is not a self-mover; therefore, because that soul is one, and is a source of life and energy, it can be immortal. Soul inhabits body when we are born, but participates in the Form of the Good before doing so.

What does Crito say about Socrates in the third argument?

Crito also explains that there are many places for Socrates to go, such as Thebes or Thessaly, where he would be protected. In Crito’s third argument, Crito tells Socrates that he has a responsibility to his sons.

How does this paper argue against Cartesian dualism?

The paper also argues against Cartesian dualism by examining the concepts put forward by other philosophers regarding the relationship between mind and body. Cartesian dualism uses three primary arguments based on doubt, simplicity, and clear perception.

What is the third argument against substance dualism?

The third argument against substance dualism is neural dependence. That the mental capacities depend on the brain’s neural activities. The materialists show that the mind is altered when the brain is altered by drugs or injuries.

How do you find the truth behind the concept of dualism?

This paper seeks to find the truth behind the concept of dualism by evaluating Descartes’ main arguments and criticisms. The paper also argues against Cartesian dualism by examining the concepts put forward by other philosophers regarding the relationship between mind and body.


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