What breed of guinea pig has long hair?

What breed of guinea pig has long hair?

Peruvian guinea pigs
Peruvian guinea pigs have the longest hair of all the breeds, to the point that it usually covers their eyes. A Peruvian holds the record for longest hair on a guinea pig at 21 inches, so don’t adopt or buy this breed unless you’re prepared to keep a regimented grooming schedule.

What is the fluffiest breed of guinea pig?

The Silkie (also named the Sheltie) has long locks which only grow backwards. Discovered in the 1970s by breeders in the UK, they are described as being the most gentle breed with laid back personalities. Because of the extensive grooming needs, they should only be cared for by adults.

Which breed of guinea pig is friendliest?

Abyssinian guinea pigs
Guinea pigs make amazing pets to people of all ages and children. While many guinea pig breeds are outgoing and like to interact with their owners, Abyssinian guinea pigs are the friendliest of the bunch.

Do all Peruvian guinea pigs have long hair?

However, the name “Peruvian guinea pig” refers only to one specific breed selected for its enormously long hair. There is no such thing as a short-haired Peruvian guinea pig — all members of the breed have 2 recessive genes for long hair.

Are there long haired guinea pigs?

Silkie Guinea Pigs are a long-haired breed that requires regular trimming and/or grooming in order to keep it neat and tidy. Silkies have long, lustrous hair that can be several inches long, and they come in a wide variety of colors.

Are male guinea pigs nicer than females?

Both have similar temperaments although males often have a bolder personality, making them easier to handle. It can often be easier to find a suitable companion for a female guinea pig though as they tend to be more amenable with their guinea pig friends.

What is a Minipli guinea pig?

The MiniPli guinea pig is a new cavy breed being developed primarily in the United Kingdom. Minipli guinea pigs have semi long length coats with tight curls that stand out from the body. Since their numbers are currently low, it’s impossible to make broad generalizations about Minipli temperament or health yet.

What breed of guinea pig has a mohawk?

Irish Cresteds have a characteristic “mohawk” hairdo with the crest falling forwards between the ears. Irish Cresteds are often mistaken for short-haired Peruvians. No wonder, as the two really do look alike. But the main, if minor, difference is that the Irish Crested has two whorls in the middle of its back.


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