What can cause false positive Monospot?

What can cause false positive Monospot?

False positive causes for Monospot tests include:

  • Pre-analytical laboratory problem (the most common cause, usually because of the problems noted above)
  • Infectious. Cytomegalovirus.
  • Leukemia/Lymphoma (especially Burkitt’s lymphoma)
  • Pancreatic cancer.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Serum sickness.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.

Can mono be false positive?

In rare cases, the test is positive even though you do not have mono. This is called a false-positive result, and it may occur in people with: Hepatitis. Leukemia or lymphoma.

What does Heterophile test for?

The heterophile test is the most common and specific test to confirm the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis. Paul and Bunnell first described the presence of heterophile antibody in patients with infectious mononucleosis in 1932.

Can mono be mistaken for lymphoma?

The morphological features of EBV-infected lymphoid tissue can easily mimic lymphoma. Furthermore, the immunophenotype of the immunoblasts has not been well characterized.

What does EBV positive mean?

If someone is positive for VCA-IgM antibodies, then it is likely that the person has an EBV infection and it may be early in the course of the illness. If the individual also has symptoms associated with mono, then it is most likely that the person will be diagnosed with mono, even if the mono test was negative.

What does it mean if you test positive for Epstein Barr?

The presence of VCA IgG antibodies indicates that an EBV infection has occurred at some time recently or in the past. The presence of VCA IgM antibodies and the absence of antibodies to EBNA mean that the infection has occurred recently. The presence of antibodies to EBNA means that the infection occurred in the past.

What does heterophile antibody detected mean?

A positive test means heterophile antibodies are present. These are most often a sign of mononucleosis.

Is EBV Heterophile positive?

Results: The overall percentage of EBV specific heterophile (Paul-Bunnel) antibody positivity was found to be 11.1% (194/1741). The average Paul-Bunnel antibody positivity between 1986 to 1990 was 20.5% which declined drastically to 5.7% during 1991-2000. Males comprised of 55.2% of the serologically proven IM cases.

What does Heterophile antibody detected mean?

What diseases can mimic lymphoma?

Benign etiologies of lymphadenopathy can include infections, autoimmune disorders, drug hypersensitivity reactions, sarcoidosis, and amyloidosis. Rare but benign lymphoproliferative disorders include Kikuchi’s disease, Rosai-Dorfman disease, and progressive transformation of germinal centers.

Can heterophile AB cause false positive result in Sandwich immunoassay?

However, heterophile Ab typically cause false positive result in sandwich immunoassay. And this is important because it can lead to misinterpretation of the patient’s result, and consequently, the wrong course of treatment may be given to the patient. The question now is how do we catch these “false” results?

Can heterophile antibodies cause false positive Troponin elevation?

Keywords: Heterophile antibodies, Troponin, False positive, Acute coronary syndrome, Case report Learning points Heterophile antibodies are an under-recognized cause of false-positive troponin elevation and may lead to unnecessary diagnostic testing and treatment.

Can heterophile antibodies interfere with human chorionic gonadotropin assay?

Heterophile antibody blocking agent to confirm false positive serum human chorionic gonadotropin assay These cases illustrate that serum heterophile antibodies can interfere with the hCG enzyme immunoassay and result in false positive values.

What are the characteristics of a heterophile antibody?

Heterophile antibodies are usually low-titer, weak-avidity antibodies found in the serum of patients with no history of treatment or diagnostic procedures involving antianimal immunoglobulins [73,74].


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