What can I say instead of high standards?

What can I say instead of high standards?

What is another word for high standard?

excellence distinction
eminence perfection
excellency merit
preeminence transcendence
quality superbness

What is a fancy word for Expect?

Synonyms for expect. anticipate, await, hope (for), watch (for)

How would you describe high tone?

having high principles; dignified. having or aspiring to good taste, high standards, or refinement: He writes for a high-toned literary review. affectedly stylish or genteel.

What is another word for a serious tone?

Some common synonyms of serious are earnest, grave, sedate, sober, solemn, and staid.

How do you describe someone with high expectations?

perfectionist Add to list Share. A perfectionist is someone with very high standards: they want everything to be just right at all times. Perfectionists tend to do very good work because of their high standards.

What are you expecting synonym?


  • await.
  • forecast.
  • foresee.
  • hope.
  • predict.
  • suppose.
  • take.
  • think.

What is it called when you expect too much?

exaggerate. magnify. overestimate. oversell.

What is a high pitch called?

piercing, sharp, shrill. having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones. screaky, screechy, squeaking, squeaky, squealing. having or making a high-pitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge. soprano, treble.

What is high tone in a muscle?

High tone or hypertonia is increased tension in the muscles which makes it difficult for them to relax and can lead to contractures and loss of independence with everyday tasks.

How do you describe the tone of a text?

The definition of tone in literature is the way the author expresses their attitude through their writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing.


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