What can you plant in South Florida by month?

What can you plant in South Florida by month?

Vegetable Gardening in South Florida

Name When to Grown When to Grow
Cabbage September- January August-April
Cantaloupe August-September, February- March August- March
Carrots October-February February- June
Celery October- January January-February, August- September

What cut flowers grow well in Florida?

Cut Flower Gardens

  • Salvia. Pink zinnias grow alongside purple salvia in this home garden.
  • Zinnias. An old favorite that works well in Florida gardens, zinnias are annuals with beautiful flowers that come in vivid colors like red, pink, yellow, and purple.
  • Gaillardia.
  • Gerberas.
  • Bird of Paradise.
  • Caladiums.

When should I plant flowers in Florida?

In Florida, you can plant all year round due to the warmer climate. You will see more and faster growth in the spring and summer and slower growth if planted in late fall and winter. plants (see list here), wait until last cold spell has passed (mid March-beginning of April).

What can I plant in April in South Florida?


  • Annuals/Bedding plants: Plant heat-tolerant annuals, such as coleus, vinca, and portulaca.
  • Bulbs: Cannas thrive in the heat of summer.
  • Herbs: Some to start now include basil, coriander, cumin, and mint.
  • Vegetables: Beans, Chinese cabbage, Southern peas, and sweet potatoes can still be planted.

Do zinnias grow in Florida?

Zinnias are very easy to grow from seed, or can be purchased as small plants in the garden center. They can be planted in the spring throughout Florida and also in the fall in South Florida. Zinnias need full sun and well-drained soil. Once established, they’re drought-tolerant, but will thrive with regular watering.

Can you grow tulips in South Florida?

Many Northern gardeners who move south to Florida ask about whether they can grow tulips in Florida. The short answer is yes and no. Tulips need a period of cool dormancy, and Florida’s winters are just too warm to give tulips the resting period they need.

How do I plant a garden in South Florida?

Spade or plow the plot at least 3-4 weeks before planting. Then rework the soil into a fine firm, seedbed at planting time. Various forms of organics such as animal manure, rotted leaves, compost, and cover crops should be thoroughly mixed into the soil well in advance of planting, preferably at least a month.

What are the best flowers to grow in Florida?

One of Florida’s fastest growers, marigolds ( Tagetes spp.) are well suited for planting in Florida’s climate. Marigolds are annual plants with full flower blossoms in combination or solid orange, maroon, cream, red or yellow hues with herbaceous green foliage that often releases a strong odor.

What grows best in Florida?

In addition to fruits and vegetables, tree nuts are another crop successfully grown in Florida. Pecan and chestnut trees are popular, as well as walnut in the northern part of Florida.

What is the best flower to grow?

Sunflowers are the easiest to grow flowers and they add beauty to your garden. Sunflower plants can grow as long as 15 feet tall, and the flowers grow on the top for full visibility.

What flowers grow in Florida?

Dwarf Snapdragons. Dwarf snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus ‘Tahiti’) are among the fastest-growing annual flowers in Florida. Blooming in a wide array of color options, flowers are available in maroon, yellow, red and orange hues with green to reddish stems accompanying darker blossoms and light green foliage accompanying lighter flower blooms.


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