What classification is associated with the ankle Weber?

What classification is associated with the ankle Weber?

The Weber ankle fracture classification (or Danis-Weber classification) is a simple system for classification of lateral malleolar fractures, relating to the level of the fracture in relation to the ankle joint, specifically the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. It has a role in determining treatment.

What is a Weber C fracture of the ankle?

Weber C: This fracture is above the ankle joint and there may be an additional fracture on the inside of your ankle. This fracture is not stable and will need surgery. Weber Fractures. Management of your fracture.

What is Weber type B fracture?

You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone). If the Orthopaedic Consultant considers this unstable, an operation with plate and screws may be required. Sometimes a Plaster is used.

Can you walk on a Weber a fracture?

You may walk on the foot as comfort allows. You will find it easier to walk with crutches in the early stages. If after six weeks you are: still experiencing significant pain and swelling or.

What is a Weber type a fracture?

A Weber A is a simple fracture to the bottom part of the fibula (bone on the outer part of your leg). Fortunately, your fracture is minor and does not require an operation or plaster cast to treat it successfully. You will be given a special ankle support, which can be worn over your socks.

How does a Weber a fracture happen?

Ankle injuries and fractures can occur from slipping, falling, tripping, over extension, stress, and repetitive use. A Weber fracture occurs at the bottom of the fibula which is the bone on the outside of your shin. The bone is over known as the lateral malleolus of the ankle.

Is a Weber B fracture serious?

Any bi- or trimalleolar fracture should be considered unstable because of the disruption of the bony architecture on both the medial and lateral side of the joint. With Weber B fractures, the stability of the ankle joint depends on injury to the tibiofibular ligaments and the deltoid ligament.

Do Weber B fractures need surgery?

Weber C fractures are almost always unstable and require surgical intervention. Weber B fractures occur at the level of the tibiofibular ligaments, just above the talar dome, and happen primarily through a mechanism of ankle supination and external rotation (SER).

How long does it take for a Weber a fracture to heal?

You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone) this is classified as a stable Weber A type fracture. Please see the picture below to understand where this injury is. This normally takes approximately 6 weeks to unite (heal) although pain and swelling can be ongoing for 3 to 6 months.

How long does it take for a Weber fracture to heal?

You have sustained a fracture to your fibula (outside ankle bone). It is also called a Weber A fracture. This normally takes six weeks to heal but you may still have pain and swelling for up to six months after your injury.

Does Weber a need surgery?

There is consensus that undisplaced Weber A-type fractures rarely require operative treatment, and that Weber C-type or grossly displaced fractures are unstable by nature and therefore require surgery.


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