What conjugation is audio Audire Audivi Auditum?

What conjugation is audio Audire Audivi Auditum?

Fourth conjugation The stem for audio, audire, audivi, auditum (4) ‘to hear’ would be ‘audi–’.

How do you determine conjugation in Latin?

Here is how you can tell:

  1. First, look at the last three letters of the second form. If they are -are, then the verb is of the first conjugation.
  2. If in the first step you came across -ere, then look at the last two letters of the first form. If they are -eo, then the verb is of the second conjugation.

What conjugation is audio in Latin?

A Level Latin: 4th Conjugation (audio)

Active Indicative Passive Indicative
I hear I am heard
1sg audio audior
2sg audis audiris
3sg audit auditur

What is conjugation in Latin grammar?

Conjugation. Latin is an inflected language, and as such its verbs must be conjugated in order to express person, number, time, tense, mood or voice. A set of conjugated forms of the same verb pattern is called a conjugation (verb inflection group). There are four conjugations, which are numbered and grouped by ending.

How do you find the conjugation group of the verb “have”?

To determine which conjugation group a verb belongs to, you have to look into a Latin dictionary. In the case of the verb “have”, you will find: This is 4 pieces of information: (1) habeo; it is the first person singular of the verb “have”. It means “I have”.

What is a verb inflection group in Latin?

M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina (Claudia Kirshner) Latin is an inflected language, and as such its verbs must be conjugated in order to express person, number, time, tense, mood or voice. A set of conjugated forms of the same verb pattern is called a conjugation (verb inflection group).

What are the verb types in Latin?

List of verb types amare abolēre regere capere audire dare d cere edere esse facere ferre fier hortār iacere re mālle nōlle part r pat posse


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