What determines forest composition in the pinyon pine juniper forest?
What determines forest composition in the pinyon pine juniper forest?
Pinyon-juniper woodlands exhibit a wide variety of stand structures and compositions, which are influenced by local climate, topography, growing conditions and disturbance regimes.
Where do juniper trees grow?
Description. Juniper (Juniperus communis ) is an evergreen shrub found on mountains and heaths throughout Europe, Southwest Asia, and North America. The tree grows to a height of 6-25 ft (2-8 m) and has stiff, pointed needles that grow to 0.4 in (1 cm) long.
What animals live in pinyon-juniper woodlands?
Many animal species find refuge in pinyon-juniper woodlands, including mule deer, elk, desert cottontail, pinyon jays, and Clark’s nutcrackers.
Is pinon pine a juniper?
The most common species within piñon-juniper woodlands are Colorado piñon pine (Pinus edulis) and Utah (Juniperus osteosperma) and one-seed (Juniperus monosperma) juniper, although Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) may codominate or replace one-seed juniper at high elevations.
Where are pinyon juniper woodlands found?
The pinyon–juniper woodland range spans from New Mexico, to the eastern Sierra Nevada, the Colorado Plateau, the Great Basin, and higher elevations of Mountain ranges of the Mojave Desert. The woodland’s range includes the Mogollon Rim in the south, to its northern extent in the Snake River Plain.
What is subalpine forest?
The subalpine forest is a transition zone from dense forest below to alpine tundra above treeline. Treeline is not really a line, but rather a zone where trees gradually get smaller and more stunted until conditions are too challenging for tree growth.
What climate does juniper grow in?
Common junipers are native to the cool temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere, and as such are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures.
Where do junipers grow best?
Junipers grow especially well in well drained, sunny locations. Although some selections can be grown in full shade, most junipers will become more open and leggier if they don’t get enough sun. The only spot where a juniper won’t be happy is in poorly drained, boggy conditions.
What’s the difference between juniper and pine?
Unlike most evergreens, which produce needle-like foliage, junipers and arborvitae have tiny, overlapping leaves that resemble scales. Junipers may also present small, very sharp needles in addition to their scale-like foliage. Pines, on the other hand, develop the needle-like foliage of the typical evergreen.
Are junipers native to Arizona?
Native to Arizona, the Alligator Juniper, Juniperus deppeana, is characterized by unique cracked bark that resembles alligator skin. Alligator and its native cousin, the Shaggy Bark Juniper, are the largest species of their kind growing 40-50′ feet tall at maturity.
Do juniper trees have berries?
It is generally the female plants that produce colorful berries, which are actually modified cones. The berry/cones of the common juniper (Juniperus communis) provide the flavoring for gin. Juniper fruits can also be used as a spice in cooking, and they are very attractive to many birds and other forms of wildlife.