What did Alex Filippenko discover?

What did Alex Filippenko discover?

Alex Filippenko
Born Alexei Vladimir Filippenko July 25, 1958 Oakland, California, United States
Education University of California, Santa Barbara (B.A. 1979) California Institute of Technology (Ph.D. 1984)
Known for Studies of supernovae, active galaxies, black holes, accelerating expansion of the Universe

Is Alex Filippenko Russian?

As I sat in my apartment staring at my schedule of classes a few days before they were supposed to start, it suddenly hit me: Filippenko is a Ukrainian last name. As a Russian-speaking humanities major, I was more interested in whether he spoke Russian than I was in learning about astronomy.

Did Alex Filippenko win the Nobel Prize?

Alex Filippenko (B.A. physics, 1979, U.C. As a result of this breakthrough discovery, all team members earned the 2007 Gruber Cosmology Prize and the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. The team leaders also received the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.

How old is Alex Filippenko?

63 years (July 25, 1958)
Alex Filippenko/Age

What surprise about the universe did Alex Filippenko and other astronomers discover in 1998 using the Keck telescopes?

During his astronomy talk, “Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe,” Filippenko revealed that the most recent data from Keck Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope yielded an additional surprise – the current rate of expansion is even faster than expected, perhaps showing that dark energy is growing stronger or …

Where was Alex Filippenko born?

Oakland, CA
Alex Filippenko/Place of birth

What does Dr Filippenko’s research using Type 1a supernovae suggest about the expansion of the universe?

Type Ia supernovae as standard candles In the 1990s, two teams (both of them included Filippenko) used Type Ia supernovae to determine the distances to galaxies, compared distance with velocity and discovered that the universe is expanding faster and faster, rather than slowing down as expected.

What is the importance of Type 1a supernovae in determining distances?

Type Ia supernovae are incredibly powerful tools for determining distances in our universe. Because these supernovae are formed by white dwarfs that explode when they reach a uniform accreted mass, the supernova peak luminosity is thought to be very consistent.

How did supernova 1987A demonstrate that new elements are made in supernova explosions?

How did Supernova 1987A demonstrate that new elements are made in supernova explosions? Some of the energy produced in the event we call Supernova 1987A was used to blow the star apart. Out of the following places that the energy of this event could go, which absorbed by far the most energy?

Why are white dwarf supernovae useful for measuring large distances?

Because these supernovae are formed by white dwarfs that explode when they reach a uniform accreted mass, the supernova peak luminosity is thought to be very consistent. This consistency allows these supernovae to be used as standard candles to measure distances to their host galaxies.

How did the team measure the distance to 300 Type Ia supernovae?

By comparing the observed brightness of both types of stars in those nearby galaxies, the team could then accurately measure the true brightness of the supernova. Using this calibrated rung on the distance ladder the accurate distance to additional 300 type Ia supernovae in far-flung galaxies was calculated.

What observations from SN 1987A helped confirm theories about supernovae?

What observations from SN 1987A helped confirm theories about supernovae? The observation of SN 1987A supernova helped to detect neutrinos from the core collapse and confirmed the theoretical calculations of what happens during such supernovae explosion. It explains process of formation of elements beyond iron.


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