What did Artemis do to Niobe?

What did Artemis do to Niobe?

Artemis, the virgin goddess of nature and hunting, killed Niobe’s seven daughters with her lethal arrows and their dead bodies were lying unburied for nine days.

Which nymph did Artemis punish?

MELANIPPE A nymph of Mt Pelion in Thessalia (northern Greece) who was transformed into a black mare by the goddess as punishment for some offence (perhaps for scorning her worship).

How did Actaeon offend Artemis?

According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Actaeon, out on a hunt, stumbled upon Artemis while she was bathing at a spring. Outraged and embarrassed that he had seen her naked, she punished him by destroying his power of speech and turning him into a stag, with antlers and a shaggy coat.

Why did Artemis punish Niobe?

According to Homer’s Iliad, Niobe had six sons and six daughters and boasted of her progenitive superiority to the Titan Leto, who had only two children, the twin deities Apollo and Artemis. As punishment for her pride, Apollo killed all Niobe’s sons and Artemis killed all her daughters.

Who turned Niobe into a weeping stone?

Upon seeing his children, Amphion killed himself; Niobe, in despair, fled and reached Mount Sipylus, where she turned into a rock. The rock became known as the Weeping Rock, as it was believed that the rainwater that fell through the pores of the limestone resembled the tears of Niobe.

Who were Artemis’s nymphs?

THE NYMPHAI ARTEMISIAI were a band of sixty young Okeanid-nymphs in the train of the goddess Artemis. Their names suggest they were Nephelai (cloud-nymphs). Other nymph attendants of Artemis included the Naiades Amnisiades and the Nymphai Hyperboreiai.

Who watched Artemis bathing?

According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Actaeon accidentally saw Artemis (goddess of wild animals, vegetation, and childbirth) while she was bathing on Mount Cithaeron; for this reason he was changed by her into a stag and was pursued and killed by his own 50 hounds.

Who did Artemis not get along with?

Artemis and Aphrodite clashed with each other many times due to Artemis not believing in love and Aphrodite’s belief in love. Aphrodite tried many times to make those who follow Artemis fall in love. One example is Polyphonte, a woman who wished to remain a virgin and fled to the forests.

What flower did Hyacinthus turn into?

Hyacinthus wanted to impress Apollo, and chased after the discus. Zephyrus chose this moment to make his move, and blew the discus at Hyacinthus’s head, killing him. Apollo was devastated, and refused to let Hades take Hyacinthus’ soul to the underworld. Instead he transformed Hyacinthus into the Hyacinth flower.


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