What did Nortel do wrong?

What did Nortel do wrong?

Canadian telecom giant Nortel collapsed because of losing the confidence of its clients amid a culture of “arrogance and hubris.” That’s the conclusion of a research team at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Business that spent the last three years looking at the demise of the company.

What caused the downfall of Nortel?

Canada’s largest telecommunications company, Nortel Networks, failed because of a culture of arrogance leading to poor financial discipline, a loss of key customers through lack of technological innovation and a harsh external business environment.

Is Nortel out of business?

In 2009, Nortel filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada and the United States, triggering a 79% decline of its corporate stock price….Nortel.

Type Public
Industry Telecommunications Networking equipment
Founded December 7, 1895 Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Defunct February 2, 2013
Fate Bankruptcy

What happened in the WorldCom scandal?

The fraud was uncovered in June 2002 when the company’s internal audit unit, led by the vice president Cynthia Cooper, discovered over $3.8 billion of fraudulent balance sheet entries. Eventually, WorldCom was forced to admit that it had overstated its assets by over $11 billion.

Are Nortel Networks shares worth anything?

It’s official: Nortel shares are worthless.

Who hacked Nortel?

Michel Juneau-Katsuya — former CSIS Asia-Pacific desk chief — confirmed his former CSIS colleague’s observations regarding China’s attack on Nortel. Juneau-Katsuya said he first completed a threat assessment on Nortel in the 1990s, and determined it was China’s top corporate espionage target.

What are the ethical issues in WorldCom case?

This case describes three major issues in the fall of WorldCom: the corporate strategy of growth through acquisition, the use of loans to senior executives, and threats to corporate governance created by chumminess and lack of arm’s-length dealing.


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