What did Queen Hatshepsut accomplish?

What did Queen Hatshepsut accomplish?

As pharaoh, Hatshepsut undertook ambitious building projects, particularly in the area around Thebes. Her greatest achievement was the enormous memorial temple at Deir el-Bahri, considered one of the architectural wonders of ancient Egypt.

Why was Hatshepsut successful?

Hatshepsut was a female pharaoh of Egypt. She reigned between 1473 and 1458 B.C. Her name means “foremost of noblewomen.” Her rule was relatively peaceful and she was able to launch a building program that would see the construction of a great temple at Deir el-Bahari at Luxor.

What changes did Hatshepsut make?

She rebuilt many buildings, created impressive temples, and restored the Temple of Karnak that her father, King Thutmose I, had built. Hatshepsut also expanded the temple by building a chapel and assembling two obelisks that towered at nearly 100 feet.

What was Hatshepsut’s legacy?

Hatshepsut’s legacy includes her temples, such as the tiered mortuary temple at Deir el Bahri—hieroglyphic texts on the structure were first translated in the nineteenth century, revealing the substance of her reign—and her red-quartzite sanctuary from Karnak.

What was Hatshepsut’s death?

January 16, 1458 BC
Hatshepsut/Date of death

What was an effect of Queen Hatshepsut policies?

What was an effect of Queen Hatshepsut’s policies? The economy expanded greatly as a result of trade. What was the most significant change Akhenaton made to the Egyptian religion? He encouraged the worship of one god.

Was Queen Hatshepsut a good ruler?

While there were likely two or three female pharaohs during the “dynastic” period, Hatshepsut is considered to be the most successful; she ruled for at least 15 years and was a prolific builder.

How did Hatshepsut help Egypt?

Hatshepsut established trade networks that helped build the wealth of the Eighteenth Dynasty. This included a successful mission to the Land of Punt in the ninth year of her reign, which brought live myrrh trees and frankincense (which Hatshepsut used as kohl eyeliner) to Egypt.

Who did Hatshepsut succeed?

How did Hatshepsut come to power? Hatshepsut married her half brother, Thutmose II, who inherited the throne from their father, Thutmose I, and made Hatshepsut his consort. When Thutmose II died, Hatshepsut became regent for her stepson, Thutmose III, and eventually the two became corulers of Egypt.

How did Hatshepsut help to make Egypt a wealthy nation?

Rather than go to war, she established trade relationships with many foreign countries. Through trade she made Egypt a rich nation. Her time of rule was a time of peace and prosperity. One way that Hatshepsut stayed in power was to construct many buildings and monuments throughout Egypt.

How did Hatshepsut bring peace?

Her 21-year reign—15 as principal monarch—was a time of peace and prosperity for Egypt. She undertook grand building projects, including two pairs of imposing obelisks at Karnak and at her mortuary temple, Djeser-Djeseru. Upon Hatshepsut’s death in 1458 B.C., Thutmose III at last got the throne to himself.

Was Hatshepsut a good leader?

Hatshepsut was a powerful and intelligent leader. There were people in the government who were very loyal to her. After a few years of being regent, she decided to become Pharaoh. She had herself named Pharaoh.


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