What did trench foot do in ww1?

What did trench foot do in ww1?

The condition first became known during World War I, when soldiers got trench foot from fighting in cold, wet conditions in trenches without the extra socks or boots to help keep their feet dry. Trench foot killed an estimated 2,000 American and 75,000 British soldiers during WWI.

What did a ww1 trench look like?

Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground where soldiers lived. They were very muddy, uncomfortable and the toilets overflowed. These conditions caused some soldiers to develop medical problems such as trench foot.

What was a trench warfare in World War 1?

Trench warfare is a type of fighting where both sides build deep trenches as a defense against the enemy. These trenches can stretch for many miles and make it nearly impossible for one side to advance. During World War I, the western front in France was fought using trench warfare.

Was trench foot painful?

Trench foot, also known as immersion foot, occurs when the feet are wet for long periods of time. It can be quite painful, but it can be prevented and treated.

What did trench foot do to the soldiers?

Feet suffered gravely in the waterlogged trenches, as tight boots, wet conditions and cold caused swelling and pain. Prolonged exposure to damp and cold could lead to gangrene and even amputation of the feet in severe cases. Lice and infrequent changes of clothing added to unhygienic battlefield conditions.

How did soldiers cope with trench foot?

The only remedy for trench foot was for the soldiers to dry their feet and change their socks several times a day. By the end of 1915 British soldiers in the trenches had to have three pairs of socks with them and were under orders to change their socks at least twice a day.

What was trench foot like in the World War I?

The word trench in the name is a reference to trench warfare, mainly associated with World War I. Trench foot frequently begins with the feeling of tingling and an itch in affected feet, and subsequently progresses to numbness or pain. The feet may become red or blue as a result of poor blood supply.

How do you cure trench foot?

Move your legs around, walk, work your toes, rise up and down on your toes to get the blood flowing. Other tips for preventing trench foot and for maintaining good foot hygiene include: Wash and dry your feet daily. Apply talcum powder or Vaseline to the feet to keep moisture away.

What causes trench foot?

Causes. Exposure to these environmental conditions causes deterioration and destruction of the capillaries and leads to morbidity of the surrounding flesh. Excessive sweating ( hyperhidrosis) has long been regarded as a contributory cause; unsanitary, cold, and wet conditions can also cause trench foot.

What was trench foot in WW1?

Trench foot is a condition that was very common in the WW1 trenches. It was a condition that caused pain throughout the heels, toes, or the entire foot.


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