What do I do if my cockatiel is egg bound?

What do I do if my cockatiel is egg bound?

A bird suffering from egg-binding should be seen by a veterinarian right away. He or she can help determine if the egg is stuck far inside or near the cloaca. It is possible for a bound egg to be massaged out. This should be done by a vet or an experienced pet owner.

How do I know if my cockatiel is egg bound?

However, the most often reported signs of egg binding include:

  1. Tail wagging or bobbing.
  2. Straining.
  3. Visibly swollen abdomen.
  4. Fluffed up appearance.
  5. Difficulty breathing.
  6. Inability to balance on perch.
  7. Paralysis of a leg or lameness.
  8. Weakness.

What does an egg bound bird look like?

A bird laying eggs should pass the egg within 24-48 hours. Birds with egg binding may or may not have passed an egg more than 2 days ago, are usually weak, not perching, often sitting low on the perch or on the bottom of the cage, and are straining as if trying to defecate or lay an egg.

How common is egg binding?

While egg binding is not considered a common problem, it is thought to be the most common and severe in smaller breeds such as bantams. Of the above causes (i.e. diet, age and size), the one that we can control as backyard poultry owners is diet.

How do I stop egg binding?

To keep your hen from becoming egg-bound, it is important to provide an appropriate diet so that she is healthy and has adequate calcium stores. Providing supplemental sources of calcium (such as a cuttlebone) during egg-laying season will help prevent deficiencies in calcium.

What causes egg bound?

Too much protein in a hen’s diet can cause egg binding. Other potential causes are stress, internal worms, low quality feed, dehydration or weakness from a recent illness. What is this? Or it could be due to a large or double yolked egg that is too large to pass through, genetics or a calcium deficiency.

How do you stop egg binding?

Keep the hen in a separate, dark area. To try and prevent episodes of egg binding in the future: Use a commercial layer feed as the main part of the diet, supplementing treats at no more than 10 – 15% of the total ration. Offer a free choice calcium supplement (like oyster shell) at all times.

What causes egg binding?

Egg binding is caused by the inability to expel an egg naturally, and is generally due to a deficiency of calcium in the bird’s diet.

How do I substitute eggs as a binder?

Some common egg substitutes include:

  1. Mashed banana. Mashed banana can act as a binding agent when baking or making pancake batter.
  2. Applesauce. Applesauce can also act as a binding agent.
  3. Fruit puree.
  4. Avocado.
  5. Gelatin.
  6. Xanthan gum.
  7. Vegetable oil and baking powder.
  8. Margarine.

How do you know if your cockatiel is egg bound?


  • Sitting at the bottom of the cage
  • Labored breathing
  • Lethargic
  • Straining
  • Lack of droppings
  • Fluffed up appearance
  • Poor appetite
  • How can you tell if a bird is egg bound?

    If you suspect that your bird is egg-bound, she should be seen by a vet immediately. The veterinarian may be able to feel the egg in the bird’s abdomen. An x-ray may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes medical treatment will enable the hen to pass her egg.

    What are the symptoms of egg bound?

    Rapid or labored breathing: Many egg-bound hens look like they are having a hard time breathing. Even slightly labored breathing is a symptom of egg-binding. Swelling: An egg-bound hen may appear to have a swollen stomach or show swelling around her bottom from straining to pass an egg.

    Do lovebirds get along with cockatiels?

    Parakeets are peaceable little birds and will get along with finches , canaries and cockatiels. Lovebirds and cockatoos are prone to be aggressive towards one another. Always introduce two parrots in neutral territory and allow them to observe each other.


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