What do the urinalysis findings indicate?
What do the urinalysis findings indicate?
The urinalysis is a set of screening tests that can detect some common diseases. It may be used to screen for and/or help diagnose conditions such as a urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, diabetes or other metabolic conditions, to name a few.
Is 75 leukocytes in urine high?
If you’re healthy, you can still have elevated leukocytes in your bloodstream and urine. A normal range in the bloodstream is between 4,500-11,000 WBCs per microliter. A normal range in the urine is lower than in the blood, and may be from 0-5 WBCs per high power field (wbc/hpf).
How many RBC in urine is normal?
A normal result is 4 red blood cells per high power field (RBC/HPF) or less when the sample is examined under a microscope. The example above is a common measurement for a result of this test.
What do nitrites in urine mean?
Normal urine contains chemicals called nitrates. If bacteria enter the urinary tract, nitrates can turn into different, similarly named chemicals called nitrites. Nitrites in urine may be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are one of the most common types of infections, especially in women.
What can a reagent stick detect in urine?
Analysing an individual’s urine can be a useful way of detecting or ruling out some diseases and infections. Urinalysis can be undertaken in many ways, one of which is using a reagent stick. To be effective, the test must be performed properly and the results interpreted correctly.
What can affect the results of a urine reagent test?
The following factors can also affect results: Use a fresh sample of urine (preferably less than 4 hours old or in line with the reagent strip manufacturer’s instructions to obtain accurate results. Bilirubin and urobilinogen are relatively unstable compounds when left in light or at room temperature;
What is the purpose of a urine test?
Urine testing or urinalysis is a valuable tool to screen an patient and diagnose their health status. It provides valuable information about hydration, renal and urinary tracts, liver disease, diabetes mellitus and urinary-tract infections.
How does urine concentration affect the results?
Urinary concentration will impact the results, so correlate with the Specific Gravity. Very dilute urine can lead to underestimation of protein, and very concentrated urine can lead to overestimation.