What do you do with drop-side cribs?

What do you do with drop-side cribs?

Answer: Assuming you have access to a city or county dump (you did not provide an address in your question), you should dispose of the crib there, said a spokeswoman for the Consumer Product Safety Commission. “It should be disassembled at the time,” she emphasized.

What should you not be able to fit through a safe crib slats?

No more than 2 3/8 inches (about the width of a soda can) between crib slats so a baby’s body cannot fit through the slats; no missing or cracked slats. No corner posts over 1/16th inch high so a baby’s clothing cannot catch.

Is it safe to use a vintage crib?

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends against using a secondhand crib. If you do, they recommend not using a crib that is more than 10 years old. Also, cribs that have been assembled, disassembled and reassembled over time may have worn out hardware, which can loosen, making the crib unsafe.

How do I know if my crib is safe?

How do I know if my crib is safe?

  1. The crib is the right size.
  2. The corner posts are smooth.
  3. The hardware is firmly secured.
  4. The paint color is nontoxic.
  5. The mattress fits snugly inside.
  6. Avoid soft toys and bedding.
  7. Stay away from headboard and footboard cutouts and drop-sides.

Are drop-side cribs dangerous?

If you do some research about the issue, you will find that at least 32 confirmed deaths happened since 2000 just for the drop-side cribs. Because of the structural faulty design, drop-side cribs create a gap between the crib mattress and the drop-sides.

When were drop-side cribs banned?

Recalls of the design led to stronger safety regulations that ultimately banned the manufacture of drop-side cribs in 2011. Drop-side cribs now cannot be sold or donated. What Is a Drop-Side Crib? A drop-side rail crib, as the name suggests, is a crib with hardware that enables one side of the crib to lower down.

Can you sell or donate drop-side cribs?

Drop-side cribs now cannot be sold or donated. What Is a Drop-Side Crib? A drop-side rail crib, as the name suggests, is a crib with hardware that enables one side of the crib to lower down. Some of these cribs designs have two mobile sides instead of just one.

Are secondhand Cribs safe to use?

However, many families chose to use vintage, hand-me-down, or secondhand cribs, which merit some evaluation before use. One crib type you should always avoid is a drop-side crib.


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