What do you mix with Dianthus?

What do you mix with Dianthus?

Companion Planting with Dianthus Often, other old-fashioned flowers, like roses or verbena, complement dianthus beautifully. Mild-scented flowers, such as lavender or scented geraniums, work well, but be careful of strong-scented plants that may detract from the aroma of dianthus.

Does a Dianthus spread?

Dianthus plants come in all shapes and sizes, including miniature varieties that form a tight little lump of foliage and blooms, and giant species reaching up to 3 feet tall with almost no basal foliage. These plants are typically mat-forming perennials that form very tight-knit spreads of foliage.

How far apart should I plant Dianthus?

6 to 12 inches apart
Place plants 6 to 12 inches apart, depending on the variety. Loosen soil to a depth of 12 inches and mix in 2 to 4 inches of compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball and place the plant in the hole so the top of the root ball is level with the soil.

What can I plant with Firewitch dianthus?

Dianthus gratianapolitanus ‘Firewitch’

Botanical Pronunciation dy-AN-thus grat-ee-an-oh-pol-it-AH-nus
Watering Needs Water regularly – weekly, or more often in extreme heat or containers.
Companion Plants Lavender (Lavandula); Phlox (Phlox); Coneflower (Echinacea); Speedwell (Veronica); Shasta Daisy (Chrysanthemum)

Where do you plant dianthus in a border?

All Dianthus prefer fertile, well-draining soil/compost so will perform well in raised flowerbeds/borders, rockeries and elevated areas of the garden. Dianthus can be grown in containers, but we recommend adding coconut coir and either perlite or vermiculite to aid drainage and moisture control.

How many years will dianthus live?

Many are simply not disease resistant or cold hardy enough to bloom every year. Others are tender perennials or biennials, meaning they live for two years.

Will dianthus bloom all summer?

As long as they are planted in well-drained soil, they tolerate heat and thrive where rainfall and humidity are high. Dianthus flowers bloom prolifically in early spring and summer, but many dianthus will rebloom throughout the gardening season if you cut flowers off as they fade.

Does dianthus multiply?

Pinks (Dianthus plumarius) multiply easily and are deer resistant. The fragrant blossoms come in many colors and make excellent cut flowers. You can also propagate Pinks by taking cuttings or by dividing existing clumps of plants. Take softwood tip cuttings in the spring or in early summer.

Does Firewitch dianthus spread?

Dianthus gratianopolitanus forms spreading low mats of blue green foliage.


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