What does a big tooth aspen look like?

What does a big tooth aspen look like?

Big-tooth aspen is a columnar tree 50-75 ft. Toothed leaves are cottony-white on the lower surface, especially when the tree is young. The slender trunk’s whitish bark, becomes furrowed at base and darker gray with age. Silvery catkins appear before leaves.

How do I identify an aspen leaf?

Aspen Tree Leaves Aspen leaves are smooth and glossy green round leaves with a pointed tip, and grow about 1.5” to 3” (4 – 7.5 cm) across. Some aspen species have oval leaves with toothed or slightly lobed margins. The rounded aspen leaves attach to branches by flattened stems (petioles).

What is the leaf arrangement of an aspen?

Quaking aspen has smaller heart-shaped to circular (orbicular) leaves with fine (serrate) teeth on the edges. Balsam poplar leaves are quite variable across its range but in general they are egg-shaped (ovate) or more narrowly spear-shaped (lanceolate) with very small teeth along the leaf margin.

How long do big tooth aspen live?

100 years
Bigtooth aspen is a rapidly growing tree. At maturity, it attains heights of 60 to 80 feet (18-24 m) and diameters at breast height of 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm). Stands begin to deteriorate after 50 to 70 years on good sites, but individuals may live as long as 100 years [29].

What is the difference between aspen and birch trees?

Although aspen are somewhat similar in appearance to some species of birch, birch trees belong to an entirely different family of trees. Whereas aspen leaves are perfectly flat, birch leaves are slightly “V” shaped and more elongated than Quaking Aspen leaves.

What is the difference between quaking aspen and trembling aspen?

Trembling aspen trees (Populus tremuloides) are also known as quaking aspen, golden aspen and white poplar. This deciduous tree belongs to the willow family. Its name originates from the lightweight shiny leaves that quake and tremble when moved by even the gentlest breeze.

How do you tell if a tree is an Aspen?

Aspens can be identified by their smooth, white bark marked by black scars where lower branches are naturally self-pruned. Quaking Aspen leaves are somewhat heart shaped, with finely saw-toothed margins and range in size from 1.25-3″ (3-8 cm) long.

What is the difference between an aspen and a birch tree?

Aspen has heart shaped leaves but birch has oval shaped leaves with tapering tips. Both trees leaves are a beautiful shade of green and in the fall they turn brilliant tones of yellow but are rarely red.

What do aspen tree buds look like?

Aspen leaf buds have a pointed appearance in relation to flower buds. This is particularly true with male flower buds, which are quite large in comparison. Flower buds look more rounded than leaf buds. Male and female flower buds share this rounded nature but the female is much smaller than the male.

Are aspen leaves toxic?

Populus tremuloides – Michx. Possible toxic effects due to salicylates (e.g. heartburn, tinnitus). Avoid with ulcers, stomach or peptic ulcers [301].

What is an aspen tree look like?

Aspen are medium-sized deciduous trees, commonly 20 to 80 feet in height, and 3 to 18 inches diameter. Trees more than 80 feet tall and larger than 24 inches diameter are occasionally found. Their bark is smooth, greenish-white, yellowish-white, yellowish-gray, or gray to almost white in color.

What does a big tooth aspen tree look like?

Bigtooth Aspen leaves tremble in the slightest breeze and rustle loudly in wind. In the autumn, the leaves turn golden-yellow. As with many species, the bark appearance of Bigtooth Aspen changes with age. Young Bigtooth Aspen trees have light, smooth bark, tan to yellowish or greenish gray.

When do bigtooth aspen trees bloom?

Bigtooth Aspen flowers and disperses seeds about one to three weeks later than Quaking Aspen in the same location. The buds of the Bigtooth Aspen, which are covered by whitish down, open the latest of all native trees in our part of the Adirondacks. Bigtooth leaves generally emerge the first week in June.

What is the difference between bigtooth aspen and quaking aspen?

Bigtooth Aspen leaves emerge from the bud about ten days later than those of the Quaking Aspen. The Bigtooth Aspen is significantly larger than Quaking Aspen. Quaking Aspen trees rarely exceed 20″ in diameter, while Bigtooth Aspen may reach 30″.

Is bigtooth aspen a clonal species?

It’s a clonal species that spreads by root suckers, though its colonies are much smaller and far less frequent than the similar Quaking Aspen ( Populus tremuloides ). Like Quaking Aspen, Bigtooth Aspen leaves have a flat stalk that causes the leaves to flutter in the wind, but its leaves are also more egg shaped with large, blunt teeth.


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