What does a coal mining search reveal?

What does a coal mining search reveal?

The Coal Authority Report reveals information regarding any past, present and future mining and highlights any environmental and stability risks which could affect the property. The search also provides details of any subsidence remediation claims, shaft locations, reported hazards and mine gas emissions.

How long do coal mining searches take?

You’ll usually get the report by email within 24 to 48 hours, although it can take up to 72 hours.

Would you buy a house near a mine shaft?

Mineshafts have the potential to cause major problems to people looking to purchase a property and take out a mortgage. This is because they bring significant added risks and in worst case scenarios, these risks could even make your property unmortgageable.

What is a CON29M search?

The CON29M is a legal form set out by the Law Society to provide information on past, present and future underground and surface coal mining activity for individual properties or sites in England and Wales.

Is it safe to live near a coal mine?

Coal mining, especially mountaintop mining, has been linked to increased exposure to toxic pollutants, increased morbidity and mortality, and adverse impacts on mental health for people living nearby. Our findings suggest that this dimension of coal use should be regulated as well.

Does the National Coal Board still exist?

The National Coal Board (NCB) was the statutory corporation created to run the nationalised coal mining industry in the United Kingdom. In 1987, the NCB was renamed the British Coal Corporation, and its assets were subsequently privatised.

What is a coal search when buying a house?

The purpose of this search is to find out if there is any likelihood of mining activity having been carried on beneath the property you are looking at or in the nearby area. Buyers often question why it is thought necessary to make a mining search when there is no sign of any mines having existed in the area.

What is a Groundsure homebuyers report?

Groundsure Homebuyers is the market leading residential search report in the UK. It’s used by solicitors, and is accepted by all major UK lenders to ensure maximum due diligence for residential property purchases.

How much do abandoned mines cost?

There are approximately 500,000 abandoned hardrock mines in the United States, with an estimated cleanup cost as high as $54 billion.

What information does a coal mining report give you?

A coal mining report gives information on: A solicitor or conveyancer will usually do a coal mining search if you’re buying land or property in an affected area. You can search using the Coal Authority’s online search service. You’ll need to know the property’s postcode and boundaries.

How do I check if I need a mining report?

Check if you need a mining report. You can search using the Coal Authority’s online search service. You’ll need to know the property’s postcode and boundaries. You’ll get the search results immediately- they’ll tell you if you need to order a mining report.

How do I make a claim for subsidence caused by coal mining?

You can contact the Coal Authority if you want them to do a search for you. You can order a report at the same time if you don’t have internet access. You may be able to make a claim for subsidence damage caused by coal mining.


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