What does an offshore medical consist of?

What does an offshore medical consist of?

Physical examination including height and weight. Urine testing (to assess how well your kidneys/ body is working). Vision testing (near, distance and colour). Audiometry testing (hearing test).

Can you work offshore with high blood pressure?

A minimum of 3 months must elapse before return offshore and the individual must have successfully completed an exercise test (treadmill test). Hypertension, or high blood pressure is permissible provided it is well controlled and there are no complications.

What is a Ukooa medical?

OGUK (formerly UKOOA) Medicals & More Offshore medicals are carried out to ensure an individual is fit to work in an offshore oil and gas exploration and production environment and travel to a specific country, and to promote good health in general.

How long does OGUK medical last?

two years
How long is the certificate valid for? The full certificate is valid for two years. You can renew your certificate with us by making an appointment in advance.

What is required for an OGUK medical?

An OGUK Offshore medical consists of the following: Completion of Patient Health History Questionnaire. Urinalysis – routine urine test. BMI – measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index.

Can you work offshore with type 2 diabetes?

If you have type 2 that can be controlled by diet alone or diet and tablets, then it will not be an obstacle to working offshore provided the condition is well controlled and there are no complications.

Can I work offshore on antidepressants?

Having a mental health condition is generally not barred from offshore work. However, this will require assessment by an OGUK examining doctor. The OGUK examining doctor may need to obtain a medical report from your GP/ Psychiatrist.

What is a OGUK physical?

An OGUK Offshore Medical Examination includes: Completion of Patient Health History Questionnaire. Urinalysis — routine urine test with immediate result. BMI—measurement of height, weight and calculation of Body Mass Index. Near, Distance and Color Vision. Pulse and Blood Pressure Measurement.

Can diabetics work offshore?

So it’s not all bad news for offshore workers who have diabetes. Type 1 means your case requires individual assessment before the possibility of a restricted offshore certificate can be issued. Well managed type 2 will not prevent you from working offshore.

Does OGUK Medical involve drug test?

An OGUK medical certificate is valid for a maximum of 2 years. Occasionally, employers request the examination to be carried out more frequently. Some employers may ask for additional checks, e.g. drug test, to be carried out.

Where can I find UKOOA guidelines for medical fitness for offshore work?

UKOOAs Guidelines for Medical Aspects of Fitness for Offshore Work, Issue No. 4, January 2000 are available from UKOOA, 1st Floor, 30 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6NN (£25 for UKOOA members; £50 for non-members). For more information, please call 020 7802 2400. We use cookies to track usage and preferences.

What offshore medical exams are needed?

Offshore physical exams including UKOOA and OGUK medical tests. Occupations that require working offshore are among the most strenuous. They are both physically and mentally demanding jobs. Because of this, offshore medical exams are needed to ensure an employee is healthy and prepared for work out on the water in extreme conditions.

How can oguk medical centers in Houston help offshore employees?

The Center For Occupational Medicine is also one of the few OGUK medical centers in Houston that can clear an offshore employee for work in U.K. waters or the North Sea. No matter where you work offshore, The Center For Occupational Medicine can provide the physical exams you need to get and stay employed.

What is ogukooa medical examination?

UKOOA) Medical Examination. Oil and Gas UK Medical Examination OGUK is a medical required by some employers or companies before personnel can be deployed to some offshore workplaces around the world. Oil & Gas UK is the leading representative body for the UK offshore oil and gas industry.


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