What does Apparitional mean?

What does Apparitional mean?

(ˌæpəˈrɪʃənəl) adjective. of or relating to an apparition or apparitions; ghostly, spectral.

What are 3 synonyms of the word interrogate?

Some common synonyms of interrogate are ask, inquire, query, and question.

What is a synonym for had said?

had say

  • assert.
  • come out with.
  • declare.
  • have one’s say.
  • insist.
  • let voice be heard.
  • make oneself heard.
  • make plain.

What is a better word for said?

Babbled, beamed, blurted, broadcasted, burst, cheered, chortled, chuckled, cried out, crooned, crowed, declared, emitted, exclaimed, giggled, hollered, howled, interjected, jabbered, laughed, praised, preached, presented, proclaimed, professed, promulgated, quaked, ranted, rejoiced, roared, screamed, shouted, shrieked.

Is apparated a real word?

(neologism) To appear (magically); to teleport to or from a place.

Is Disapparate a real word?

The word was invented by J. K. Rowling in the Harry Potter books to describe a form of teleportation from one place to another, but in derived usage it often means just to disappear completely.

What is the person being interrogated called?

interrogator. / (ɪnˈtɛrəˌɡeɪtə) / noun. a person who interrogates.

What is a synonym for apparition?

phantom. spectre. spook. wraith. chimera. revenant. visitant. eidolon. Synonyms for apparition.

What did you see when you saw the apparition?

I might say that you are, to my certain knowledge, in a highly excited nervous condition; and that, when you saw the apparition (as you call it), you simply saw nothing but your own strong impression of an absent woman, who (as I greatly fear) has got on the weak or amatory side of you.

What does the apparition have a thumb in the corner of?

The apparition appears to have a thumb in the corner of its mouth while making this complaint. This second remonstrance brings a dark, bright, pouting eye out from a corner of the apron; but it swiftly becomes invisible again, as the apparition exclaims: ‘O good gracious!



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