What does Bsxfun mean in MATLAB?
What does Bsxfun mean in MATLAB?
The bsxfun function expands the vectors into matrices of the same size, which is an efficient way to evaluate fun for many combinations of the inputs.
Is Bsxfun faster?
In this case bsxfun is almost twice faster! It is useful and fast because it avoids explicit allocation of memory for matrices idx0 and idx1 , saving them to the memory, and then reading them again just to add them.
Does MATLAB do broadcasting?
Matrix broadcasting was added to matlab’s recent editions. This is an important step for vectorizing codes. Proper usage of broadcasting reduces memory allocation requirements for matrix matrix operations.
How do you do element wise subtraction in MATLAB?
C = A – B subtracts array B from array A by subtracting corresponding elements. The sizes of A and B must be the same or be compatible. If the sizes of A and B are compatible, then the two arrays implicitly expand to match each other.
What is Bsxfun octave?
: bsxfun ( f , A , B ) The binary singleton expansion function performs broadcasting, that is, it applies a binary function f element-by-element to two array arguments A and B , and expands as necessary singleton dimensions in either input argument.
How do you find principal components in MATLAB?
Description. coeff = pca( X ) returns the principal component coefficients, also known as loadings, for the n-by-p data matrix X . Rows of X correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables. The coefficient matrix is p-by-p.
What is broadcasting in Matlab?
A broadcast variable is any variable, other than the loop variable or a sliced variable, that does not change inside the loop. At the start of a parfor -loop, the values of any broadcast variables are sent to all workers. This type of variable can be useful or even essential for particular tasks.
How do you make a dot product in MATLAB?
C = dot( A,B ) returns the scalar dot product of A and B .
- If A and B are vectors, then they must have the same length.
- If A and B are matrices or multidimensional arrays, then they must have the same size. In this case, the dot function treats A and B as collections of vectors.
How do you use bsxfun in MATLAB?
Create a function handle that represents the function f ( a, b) = a – e b. Use bsxfun to apply the function to vectors a and b. The bsxfun function expands the vectors into matrices of the same size, which is an efficient way to evaluate fun for many combinations of the inputs.
How does bsxfun match input arrays?
Input arrays, specified as scalars, vectors, matrices, or multidimensional arrays. Inputs A and B must have compatible sizes. For more information, see Compatible Array Sizes for Basic Operations. Whenever a dimension of A or B is singleton (equal to one), bsxfun virtually replicates the array along that dimension to match the other array.
How does this function behave similar to bsxfun?
This function behaves similarly to the MATLAB ® function bsxfun, except that the evaluation of the function happens on the GPU, not on the CPU. Any required data not already on the GPU is moved to GPU memory. The MATLAB function passed in for evaluation is compiled and then executed on the GPU.
How do you normalize a matrix with bsxfun?
C = bsxfun (fun,A,B) applies the element-wise binary operation specified by the function handle fun to arrays A and B. Subtract the column mean from the corresponding column elements of a matrix A. Then normalize by the standard deviation.