What does DPP do in Drosophila?

What does DPP do in Drosophila?

Dpp, a member of the BMP family, is a morphogen that specifies positional information in Drosophila wing precursors. In this tissue, Dpp expressed along the anterior-posterior boundary forms a concentration gradient that controls the expression domains of target genes, which in turn specify the position of wing veins.

What is morphogenetic furrow?

The crest of this wave is marked by the morphogenetic furrow, a visible indentation that demarcates the boundary between developing photoreceptors located posteriorly and undifferentiated cells located anteriorly.

What is DPP activation?

Dpp signaling leads to the activation of spalt ( sal ), optomotor blind ( omb ) and vestigial ( vg ) at successively lower thresholds across the wing blade primordium of the growing disc (Figure 2).


Dpp is the Drosophila homolog of the vertebrate bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), which are members of the TGF-β superfamily, a class of proteins that are often associated with their own specific signaling pathway.

Is DPP a morphogen?

Dpp is a classic morphogen, which means that it is present in a spatial concentration gradient in the tissues where it is found, and its presence as a gradient gives it functional meaning in how it affects development.

What do WG and DPP do in Drosophila?

The Wg and Dpp morphogens regulate gene expression by modulating the frequency of transcriptional bursts. Control of Drosophila wing size by morphogen range and hormonal gating. Rab11 is essential for lgl mediated JNK-Dpp signaling in dorsal closure and epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila.

How is BMP-dependent gene regulation regulated during Drosophila oogenesis?

Authors studied BMP-dependent gene regulation during Drosophila oogenesis by following the signal transmission from Dpp to its target broad (br), a gene with a crucial function in eggshell patterning and identified regulatory sequences that account for expression of both brk and br, and connect these to the transcription factors of the pathway.

What is the role of ectopic Dpp signaling in stem cell competition?

Ectopic Dpp signaling promotes stem cell competition through EGFR signaling in the Drosophila testis. Blocking Dpp signaling induces premature autophagy, rapid cell death, and midgut degradation, whereas sustained Dpp signaling inhibits autophagy induction.

How does DPP affect wing appendage growth and proliferation rates?

Dpp regulates growth and proliferation rates equally in central and lateral regions of the developing wing appendage and reduced levels of Dpp affects similarly the width and length of the resulting wing.


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