What does flats stand for?

What does flats stand for?


Acronym Definition
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What is a flat in slang?

adjective. (slang) Describing certain features, usually the breasts or buttocks, that are extremely small or not visible at all. That girl is completely flat on both sides.

What is the synonym of flat?

level, horizontal, levelled. smooth, even, uniform, consistent, featureless, flush, plumb, regular, unvarying, continuous, unbroken, plane. vertical, bumpy. 2’the sea was flat’

Does FL stand for flat?

When it comes to concrete slab construction, F-Numbers are the metric for quality. They consist of the concrete floor flatness (FF) and floor levelness (FL). To pour concrete properly, you have to have a good understanding of what these numbers mean because they can improve the quality of your jobs.

What does CV stand for in address?

CV stands for Cove (street abbreviation).

Why do the British call it a flat?

A “flat” on two floors would be called a maisonette. Flat, as as a dwelling, is derived from a Scottish word “flet” meaning a floor or storey of a house or building. It also has a secondary derivation because the rooms of an apartment are usually all on the same level, so an apartment is flat.

What does stay flat mean?

1 to stay behind or in the same place.

What is the synonym of flattened?

demolish, raze, raze to the ground, level, tear down, knock down, destroy, wipe out, topple, wreck, reduce to ruins, devastate, annihilate, pulverize, obliterate, ravage, smash, wipe off the face of the earth, wipe off the map. North American informal total. rare unbuild. 4’Flynn flattened him with a single punch’

What is the synonym and antonym of flat?

flat. Synonyms: dull, tame, insipid, vapid, spiritless, level, horizontal, absolute, even, downright, mawkish, tasteless, lifeless. Antonyms: exciting, animated, interesting, thrilling, sensational.

Should you write address CV?

Should you put your address on your resume? It’s optional. In certain situations, including it could be helpful, but leaving it out won’t get you rejected. Put the city and zip code of the employer in your professional summary if you’re really concerned about being rejected by the ATS.

What does flat stand for?

FLAT Stands For: An airline rule that allowed passengers to rebook a plane ticket with no penalty when they missed a flight through no fault of their own, such as a flat tire on a taxi taking them to the airport. The.

What is a synonym for flat?

Synonyms for Flat: adj. •absolute, positive (adjective) indubitable, plain, unqualified, unconditional, unequivocal, categorical, straight. •all (adjective) level, plane. •categorical (adjective) certain, unconditional, outright, unqualified, indubitable, typical, absolute, categorical, denominational, unequivocal, undeniable, sure, definite.

What is a flat flat?

Flat is a word that is commonly encountered in UK and nearly all other commonwealth countries . It is used to refer to a self-contained dwelling unit inside a structure that houses many other such units.


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