What does Friar Laurence say Act 2 Scene 3?

What does Friar Laurence say Act 2 Scene 3?

Friar Laurence, who makes tinctures and potions from the plants he collects, knows that the earth is both nature’s tomb and its womb—one can reap “baleful,” poisonous roots just as one plucks flowers full of sweet nectar.

What advice does Friar Laurence give in his monologue?

One warning that Friar Laurence gives Romeo that foreshadows future events of Romeo and Juliet is his statement, “Wisely and slow, they that run fast stumble.” By saying these words, he is reminding Romeo to be careful of his rashness and all-consuming love.

What does Friar Laurence say when he gives Juliet the potion quote?

And I will do it without fear or doubt, To live an unstain’d wife to my sweet love. Thou shalt continue two and forty hours, And then awake as from a pleasant sleep.

What is Friar Lawrence talking about when Romeo comes in?

Friar Lawrence is shocked at this sudden shift from Rosaline to Juliet. He comments on the fickleness of young love, Romeo’s in particular. He expresses the hope that the marriage of Romeo and Juliet might end the feud ravaging the Montagues and Capulets.

What is Friar Lawrence’s Act 3 Scene 3?

The friar sets forth a plan: Romeo will visit Juliet that night, but make sure to leave her chamber, and Verona, before the morning. Romeo will then reside in Mantua until news of their marriage can be spread. He must prepare to visit Juliet and then flee to Mantua.

What is Friar Laurence’s plan to help Romeo and Juliet?

The friar proposes a plan: Juliet must consent to marry Paris; then, on the night before the wedding, she must drink a sleeping potion that will make her appear to be dead. Juliet will be laid to rest in the Capulet tomb, and the friar will send word to Romeo in Mantua to help him retrieve her when she wakes up.

What 3 pieces of advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo?

With the three reasons provided by Friar Laurence, he emphasized that Romeo should be happy, not suicidal, because Juliet is alive and his wife; he is alive, having defeated Tybalt; and, he was fortunate to have been banished rather than executed, and he still has an opportunity to return to Verona, request a pardon …

What advice does Friar Laurence give Romeo before the wedding *?

 Friar Lawrence gives Romeo good advice: “Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.” Page 4 Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Summary Notes Mrs. Salona Page 4 of 5 Act 2, Scene 4  The morning after the Capulet party, Benvolio & Mercutio search for Romeo.


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