What does it mean to below the line in a production?

What does it mean to below the line in a production?

What Does “Below the Line” Mean? Below the line credits (also called BTL) in film production refers to the positions responsible for the day-to-day work of making the film—during pre-production, production, and post-production.

What is ATL and BTL in film?

You are asking about Above the Line (ATL) and Below the Line (BTL) costs. Below the Line costs include salaries of support staff and talent and all production costs – catering, studio, lighting, etc.

What is above the line in film budget?

“Above-the-line” refers to the list of individuals who guide and influence the creative direction, process, and voice of a given narrative in a film and related expenditures. Often, the term is used for matters related to the film’s production budget.

What is the difference between above the line and below the line personnel?

Typically, above-the-line refers to producers, directors, writers, cast (including name actors/movie stars, etc.), and stunt cast/personnel. “Below the line” then refers to everything and everybody and every expense that isn’t considered Above the Line.

What does below the line mean in a budget?

Below the line refers to line items in the income statement that do not directly impact a firm’s reported profits. A firm may classify certain expenditures as being capital expenditures, thereby pushing them below the line by shifting them from the income statement to the balance sheet.

Why is it called below the line?

The “line” in “below-the-line” refers to the separation of production costs between script and story writers, producers, directors, actors, and casting (“above the-line”) and the rest of the crew, or production team.

Is cinema ATL or BTL?

Above the line (ATL) Media such as television, cinema, radio, newspapers, and magazines are used to create an impact about the company and its product. ATL communication is more of conventional in nature.

Is cinematographer below the line?

Below the line positions typically include: Cinematographer. Production Designer. Costume Designer. Hair and Makeup.

What is below the line?

The below the line definition is income or expense in accounting which have no noticeable effect on company profits in the current period; however, it is an unofficial term. This term is used by people in-the-know who deal with above and below the line items and account for expenses regularly.

What is the bottom line in film?

What is below the line promotion in business?

Below-the-line advertising is an advertising strategy where products are promoted in media other than mainstream radio or television. Below-the-line advertising campaigns include direct mail campaigns, trade shows, catalogs, and targeted search engine marketing.

What is below-the-line?

What is a below-the-line budget?

“Below-the-line” is a term derived from the top sheet of a film budget for motion pictures, television programs, industrial films, independent films, student films and documentaries as well as commercials.

What does below the line in production mean?

Below the line in production refers to, in a budgetary sense, any production costs that are not “above the line.” This can include film crew salary, publicity, music rights, and cutting together a trailer.

What happens to line workers on low budget film sets?

Below the line workers are not paid as much as above the line workers. Often on low budget film sets below the line workers (because they are considered replaceable) are not paid very well or simply not paid at all. Imagine a pyramid – the lead actors, director, producer, screenwriter at the top.

What is a below-the-line film crew?

Some below-the-line film and television film crews operate in pre-production, production, or post-production stages of filmmaking.


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