What does LOL mean dirty?

What does LOL mean dirty?

LOL – Laugh out loud.

What does LOL mean in slang?

laughing out loud
The online slang term, short for “laughing out loud”, is now so widely used that in March it was recognised by the Oxford English Dictionary. Not all of us, however, are lol-ing from the same hymn sheet. Just ask the creator of this Facebook page: “My mum thinks ‘lol’ means ‘Lots of Love’.

What is HH slang for?

Ha-Ha. HH is often used in text-based messaging with the meaning “Ha-Ha” to indicate amusement. In this context, it is similar in meaning to abbreviations such as HA (Laugh/Laughing) and LOL (Laugh/Laughing Out Loud). Just like HA and LOL, HH is often used sarcastically.

What does LOL mean from a man?

Marko Ticak. Lol is an acronym of laugh out loud. It can be used as an interjection and a verb. Lol is one of the most common slang terms in electronic communications. Even though it means laugh out loud, lol is mostly used to indicate smiling or slight amusement.

What does BHIE mean in text?


Acronym Definition
BHIE Bidirectional Health Information Exchange

What does H7H mean in text?

H7H Full Form

Full Form Category Term
Hallejuah Seventh Heaven Messaging H7H

What does HHR mean in texting?


Acronym Definition
HHR Half Hour
HHR Heritage High Roof (vehicle style)
HHR Heritage High Roof
HHR Hells Headbangers Records (record label)

What is the meaning of Snow Job?

Definition of snow job : an intensive effort at persuasion or deception US, informal : a strong effort to make someone believe something by saying things that are not true or sincere

What is a Snow Job for English language learners?

Definition of snow job for English Language Learners. : a strong effort to make someone believe something by saying things that are not true or sincere.

What is a snow job in public relations?

a snow job. A snow job is an attempt to deceive someone by telling many lies or by giving praise that is not sincere. Critics say a vast public relations snow job has been launched to convince the public of the need for the project.

What does it mean to be snowed under by someone?

The phrase originated during World War II. It is a play on the idiom “snowed under” which means to be covered. It is often used to describe a feeling of helplessness when you are overwhelmed. For example, when someone is snowed under with work.


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