What does Minnesang mean?

What does Minnesang mean?

Minnesinger, any of certain German poet-musicians of the 12th and 13th centuries. In the usage of these poets themselves, the term Minnesang denoted only songs dealing with courtly love (Minne); it has come to be applied to the entire poetic-musical body, Sprüche (political, moral, and religious

What is the abandoned mine land reclamation program (AML)?

The Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program uses fees paid by present-day coal mining companies to reclaim coal mines abandoned before 1977. This makes these areas safer for people and the environment. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) of 1977, as amended, created this program.

What are the roots of minnesinger music?

Popular song and Gregorian chant are other musical roots of the style. The poems of the earliest minnesinger known by name, Kürenberger (fl. 1160), show only a tint of the troubadour, for his realistic verses show a proud, imperious knight with a woman pining for his love.


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