What does Mr Antolini say to Holden?

What does Mr Antolini say to Holden?

He is afraid that Holden is fighting so hard against the system that he is missing out on the experiences a good education can provide for him. ‘Here’s what he said: ‘The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one. (Mr.

What chapter does Holden talk to Mr Antolini?

Chapter 23
Summary: Chapter 23 Holden leaves Phoebe’s room for a moment to call Mr. Antolini, an English teacher he had at Elkton Hills. Mr. Antolini is shocked that Holden has been kicked out of another school and invites Holden to stay the night at his house.

How does Mr Antolini upset and scare Holden?

How does Antolini upset and scare Holden? Mr. Antolini was stroking Holden’s head, and Holden thinks he is pulling a homosexual advance.

What is the question Mr Antolini uses from Wilhelm Stekel?

In The Catcher in the Rye, Mr. Antolini’s quotation from Wilhelm Steckel means that Holden should not contemplate suicide, but should rather attempt to live for a cause, as living for something rather than dying for something is what can make a difference.

What does Mr. Antolini say that a good academic education will do for Holden?

Mr. Antolini says that a good academic education will enable him to express himself more clearly, have a passion for following his thoughts through to the end, and possess more humility than the uneducated man. Holden tells Mr.

Why does Holden like Antolini?

Holden admires and respects him because Antolini is not only intellectual and perceptive, but he has a heart. When James Castle committed suicide, it was Antolini who carried his bloody, broken body all the way to the infirmary.

What advice does Mr. Antolini give Holden in Chapter 24?

Mr. Antolini’s advice to Holden about why he should apply himself to his studies is also unconventional. He recognizes that Holden is different from other students, and he validates Holden’s suffering and confusion by suggesting that one day they may be worth writing about.

Did Antolini really make a pass at Holden?

Antolini is not making a pass at him. For one thing, Holden has consistently proven himself an unreliable judge of character. He frequently makes snap judgments that lack sufficient grounding in reality, particularly regarding issues related to sexuality.

Why does Holden call Antolini?

Antolini. He used to be his teacher at Elkton Hills, he says, but he’s now an English instructor at N.Y.U. So Holden calls him up and tells him he’s flunked out of Pencey.

What does Mr. Antolini say that Holden will accomplish once he decides what to do with his life?

Antolini say that Holden will do once he decides what to do with his life? Mr. Antolini says that Holden will begin to apply himself in school once he decides what to do with his life.

Who is Mr Antolini and what is his relationship with Holden?

Mr. Antolini is the adult who comes closest to reaching Holden. He manages to avoid alienating Holden, and being labeled a “phony,” because he doesn’t behave conventionally.

How is Mr Antolini different from the “catcher in the Rye?

The fact that Mr. Antolini is trying to prevent Holden from “a fall” obviously parallels Holden’s image of the “catcher in the rye.” Yet, Mr. Antolini is a very different kind of catcher from the one Holden envisioned, and the type of fall he describes is different from the one Holden imagines.

What is the relationship between Mr Antolini and Mr Spencer like?

Mr. Antolini is the adult who comes closest to reaching Holden. He manages to avoid alienating Holden, and being labeled a “phony,” because he doesn’t behave conventionally. He doesn’t speak to Holden in the persona of a teacher or an authority figure, as Mr. Spencer does.

Why did Holden fail oral expression class in Chapter 24?

In Chapter 24, after Holden explains that he’s failed his Oral Expression class because he liked to make digressions in his stories, Mr. Antolini wants to know more. Unlike other adult figures in the book, Mr. Antolini doesn’t simply dismiss Holden’s enjoyment of digressions as childish. Instead, he takes the time to engage with his former student.


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