What does my astrocartography chart mean?

What does my astrocartography chart mean?

Basically, astrocartography is an astrology system which focuses on your natal chart, sharing your energy meridian lines on the best places for you to live, work and travel. The word uranography dating back to 1675 is derived from ancient Greek meaning sky, heaven, ‘to write’ and mapping the stars.

Where should I move based on astrocartography?

When using astrocartography, it’s best to use the lines of beneficial planets such as the sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Mercury is neutral. The moon adds cosiness and warmth.

What does IC mean in astrocartography?

The IC (Imuni Coeli) is energy going from deep within to your own subjective environment, and helps ground the person within a strong foundation of self. Home and family are connected to this angle, and the identification of one’s own familial origins, and how those are dealt with.

What is the MC line in astrocartography?

To learn your own midheaven astrology sign, look at your natal chart to find a vertical line at the top with a little “MC” above it. This stands for medium coeli, Latin for “middle of the sky,” and it marks the zodiac sign that was directly overhead (or midheaven) at the exact moment you were born.

What can astrocartography tell you?

Astrocartography allows us to understand our relationship to the planets and the Earth, so we can plan accordingly, make adjustments, and know how to work with the energy of whichever line we may find ourselves under.

What’s my MC and IC?

The IC on the birth chart is placed exactly opposite to your Midheaven sign. The Midheaven point is located at the very top of your birth chart, on the cusp of the tenth house of public affairs, and it illustrates the most powerful contributions you’ll make to the world through your career and public image.

What does Mars mean in Astrocartography?

passion and energy
Mars line: Mars is passion and energy in regard to achievement. Opposite the moon, it’s where your masculine, competitive energy lies. Mercury line: Mercury is the planet of communication; it’s where to go to tap into your writing skills, say, if you’re looking to write a novel.

Is Astrocartography real?

If you’re ready to take your astrology obsession to the next level, you might consider a practice known as astrocartography. Also called “locational astrology” or “astrogeography,” the concept was popularized by writer and astrologist Jim Lewis in the 1970s.

How does location astrology work?

Also called “locational astrology” or “astrogeography,” the concept was popularized by writer and astrologist Jim Lewis in the 1970s. It involves using your natal or birth chart—a type of map showing where the sun, moon, and planets were positioned on the zodiac wheel during your birth—to create a map of the world.

What is the astrological symbol for Mars?

The Mars symbol, ♂, is a depiction of a circle with an arrow emerging from it, pointing at an angle to the upper right in Europe and to the upper left in India. As astrological symbol it represents the planet Mars.

How does an Astrocartography map work?

Like a regular birth chart, an astrocartography map uses the data on the exact date, time, and location coordinates of your birth. It then generates astrocartography lines that indicate the planetary paths relative to places all over the world, as well as the exact spot where a planet was chilling out when you were born.

How do I interpret my locational astrology chart?

For an accurate interpretation, each line should carry a notation depicting the placement of the planet as it resides on your natal chart. Referred to as the ‘cardinal points’ on your locational astrology chart, each line has a specific correlation to your spiritual self.

How can Astrocartography help you achieve your dream career?

Having a Spanish-inspired meal, listening to Spanish songs, and immersing yourself in Spanish culture, in general, can help you feel closer with the place your astrocartography chart says is your special place. What’s more, it can help you attain that career boost you have been waiting for forever!

What does Chiron mean in Astrocartography?

In astrocartography, Chiron shows the places where you can find time to heal your inner self, along with that of your loved ones. A bonus of this line is that it can help enlighten you on your purpose here in this world.


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