What does Neshama Sheli mean?

What does Neshama Sheli mean?

my soul
Neshama sheli – ‘my soul’ – has become a popular term of endearment among Israelis.

What does Ahuvi mean in Hebrew?

Literally, “beloved” is the most common. Masculine – ahuv -אהובfeminine – ahuva – אהובה My love is ahuvi אהובי and ahuvati אהובתי respectively. There is another word me’ahev מאהב (femenine me’ahevet מאהבת) which means lover, but is less common when talking about one’s own lover.

What does Gesundheit mean in Hebrew?

interj. Health. (Bless you) – said in response to a sneeze.

What does Bevakasha mean in Hebrew?

Definitions. adv. “Literally, ‘please’. It can be used in various ways, including “please go ahead” and at the end of a sentence as ‘you’re welcome'” (JPS).

What does Booba mean in Hebrew?

” Buba is a Hebrew word for ”little doll” and may have been the source of an affectionate term for a small grandmother; however, the similar baba is also used for ”grandma” in Russian and other Slavic languages, which makes the origin uncertain.

What is Ma nishma in Hebrew?

A common greeting that is also a useful phrase is “what’s going on” or “what’s new??” in Hebrew: mah koreh (mah kor-EH), literally “what is happening?” Mah nishma (mah nish-MAH) is a good alternative, literally “what do you hear”, the phrase is used to ask “what’s new?” If you really want to impress, go for the …

What does Toda Raba mean?

[slowly] Toda raba. The word Raba means “a lot.” So Toda raba means “Thank you very much.” It expresses a deeper appreciation for some personal kindness.

What does Ahuvati mean?

It does mean “my beloved” (when the object is a feminine noun), however the text you have there is actually “AND my beloved.” It is: אהובתי

What is health called in Sanskrit?

Svastha or Swastha is the Sanskrit word for health.

What does nishma mean in Hebrew?

Ma nishma? Literally means “what will we hear?” but when used as slang it means, “what’s up?” Anytime you here ma nishma in Israel it means, “what’s up?” I’ve never heard it used as its literal meaning. Ex.

What means Coomer?

Coomer is an internet meme based on an illustration of a scraggly male character who is mocked as an excessive masturbator. More broadly, coomer (with a lowercase C) is an often ironic insult for an oversexed young man or, more generally, a loser.


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