What does NM mean in color?

What does NM mean in color?

The human eye sees color over wavelengths ranging roughly from 400 nanometers (violet) to 700 nanometers (red). Light from 400–700 nanometers (nm) is called visible light, or the visible spectrum because humans can see it.

What Colour is 810nm light?

LOWER INFRA-RED: 850nm – 810nm – Nearly invisible, a very dull red glow can sometimes be observed when viewed directly.

What nanometer is purple?

around 400 nanometers
The wavelength of violet light is around 400 nanometers (or 4,000 Å). Ultraviolet radiation oscillates at rates between about 800 terahertz (THz or 1012 hertz) and 30,000 THz. When we talk about visible light, we refer to the different wavelengths of light across the visible spectrum by the names of colors.

What Colour is 700nm?

The visible spectrum

colour* wavelength (nm) energy (eV)
*Typical values only.
red (limit) 700 1.77
red 650 1.91
orange 600 2.06

What color is 425 nm wavelength?

The tables below show each colour and its relative property.

Wavelength 425 – 400 nm
Frequency 700 – 790 thz
Complementary colour Yellow

What color is 575 nm?

red green blue

color 1 2
yellow 575–585 575–585
green 491–575 491–575
blue 424–491 424–491
violet 400–424 380–424

What color is 540nm?

Physics of color

Color Wavelength interval Frequency interval
Green ~ 560–520 nm ~ 540–580 THz
Cyan ~ 520–490 nm ~ 580–610 THz
Blue ~ 490–450 nm ~ 610–670 THz
Violet ~ 450–400 nm ~ 670–750 THz

What color is 670 nm light?

Spectral colors

Color Wavelength (nm) Frequency (THz)
blue 450–485 620–670
cyan 485–500 600–620
green 500–565 530–600
yellow 565–590 510–530

What color is 600nm?

The colors of the visible light spectrum

colour wavelength interval frequency interval
yellow ~ 565–590 nm ~ 530–510 THz
green ~ 500–565 nm ~ 600–530 THz
cyan ~ 485–500 nm ~ 620–600 THz
blue ~ 440–485 nm ~ 680–620 THz

What is Violet’s wavelength?

Violet has the shortest wavelength, at around 380 nanometers, and red has the longest wavelength, at around 700 nanometers.

What Colour is 500nm?

The colors of the visible light spectrum

colour wavelength interval frequency interval
yellow ~ 565–590 nm ~ 530–510 THz
green ~ 500–565 nm ~ 600–530 THz
cyan ~ 485–500 nm ~ 620–600 THz
blue ~ 440–485 nm ~ 680–620 THz

Is 750 nm visible?

The visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 380 to about 750 nanometers. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of 400–790 terahertz.


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