What does non immune to hepatitis B mean?

What does non immune to hepatitis B mean?

NOT IMMUNE– has not been infected. but is still at risk for possible future. infection – needs vaccine. Get the vaccine.

What does non-reactive mean on a test?

Nonreactive vs. A nonreactive result means that the fluid sample did not contain HIV antigens or antibodies that the test aims to react to at the time of testing. It can mean a person has tested negative for HIV. However, if an individual has a nonreactive result, it does not necessarily mean they do not have HIV.

What is Treponema pallidum non-reactive?

pallidum Ab screen Non-Reactive Non-Reactive for antibodies to Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of Syphilis. Equivocal Initial T. pallidum screening test equivocal. This could represent a true reactive or this could be a false reactive screening test.

What does hep B surface antigen positive mean?

HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen): when this is “positive” or “reactive,” it means the person is currently infected with hepatitis B and is able to pass the infection on to others.

What is hep be antigen?

HBeAg stands for hepatitis B e-antigen. This antigen is a protein from the hepatitis B virus that circulates in infected blood when the virus is actively replicating. The presence of HBeAg suggests that the person is infectious and is able to spread the virus to other people.

What does a non reactive RPR test mean?

A negative or nonreactive result means you don’t likely have syphilis. Positive results are given as a ratio in titers. This tells your healthcare provider the amount of antibodies in your blood.

What does a positive TPPA mean?

pallidum antibody test (TPPA), suggests exposure to syphilis. Persons with a history of previous treatment will require no further treatment unless re-exposure is likely. In this instance, a repeat RPR in 2-4 weeks is recommended to evaluate for early infection.

What does it mean if Hep B surface antibody is non reactive?

Hep B antigen “non-reactive”. My understanding is that surface antigen positive means you are infected regardless of any antibody status. If you clear the antigen and develop antibodies, then you are immune. So, get a hard copy of your lab results and then post them here. As a carrier you are “contagious” but…

What does non reactive hepatitis B surface antigen mean?

Normal results are negative or nonreactive, meaning that no hepatitis B surface antigen was found. If your test is positive or reactive, it may mean you are actively infected with HBV. In most cases this means that you will recover within 6 months.

What does a reactive result to a hepatitis B test mean?

For the hepatitis B core antibody test, a reactive or positive result can mean either that a person is currently infected with hepatitis B virus or have been some time in the test. A reactive result for this test can also be a false positive, meaning that the person has never been infected with the virus.

What does non reactive to all Hepatitis results mean?

If your test results for hepatitis B came back as “Non-reactive” that is actually very good news. It means that you have never been exposed to the Hepatitis B virus, so you do not have the virus.


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