What does Ofsted say about the curriculum?

What does Ofsted say about the curriculum?

For Ofsted, intent is simply what you want pupils to learn: your curriculum thinking and high-level planning. Implementation is the teaching activities you choose to teach your curriculum. Impact is when that curriculum content is learned.

What makes a successful primary curriculum?

The curriculum should aim to be broad by bringing all pupils into contact with an agreed range of areas of learning and experience. It should be balanced in that it allows the adequate development of each area.

What curriculum do primary schools follow?

Which Subjects are Taught in Primary Schools? The National Curriculum requires children to be taught the following subjects: English, maths, science, history, geography, art & design, music, design & technology, physical education (including swimming) and computing.

Why are foundation subjects important in primary school?

They differ to the core subjects of: English, Maths, Science and R.E which are explored in further detail. Even though foundation subjects are not explored as thoroughly, they are still important because they introduce students to a wide variety of skills and knowledge.

What makes a good curriculum Ofsted?

An ambitious curriculum for all As well as being clearly sequenced and building towards a clear end-point, Ofsted says that the curriculum should also address typical gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills. The curriculum should remain as broad as possible for as long as possible, too.

What makes a good school curriculum?

At the heart of a high quality curriculum is the premise that all students are able to learn and are capable of being successful. Therefore, a high quality curriculum is one built on high expectations, aligned with state standards, and is highly rigorous.

What is primary curriculum?

The primary curriculum is designed to nurture the child in all dimensions of his or her life—spiritual, moral, cognitive, emotional, imaginative, aesthetic, social and physical. Some aspects of the primary curriculum are under review. A new language curriculum is currently being developed.

How do you plan a primary school curriculum?

7 steps to make the curriculum planning process easier

  1. Determine your goals and expectations.
  2. Choose one content area to focus on each year.
  3. Research the content and use premade lesson plans.
  4. Make a list of 3-5 resources for each concept.
  5. Get to know your students.
  6. Start with a few reusable activities.

What do Primary school teachers teach?

Primary school teachers typically teach the broad range of subjects included in the national curriculum, with particular emphasis on the core subjects of literacy, numeracy and science. Some specialise in a particular subject, such as maths, languages or science, and there are teacher training courses to support this.

What is Key Stage 4 curriculum?

Key Stage 4 (KS4) is the legal term for the two years of school education which incorporate GCSEs, and other examinations, in maintained schools in England normally known as Year 10 and Year 11, when pupils are aged between 14 and 16 by August 31st. (In some schools, KS4 work is started in Year 9.)

What is the foundation curriculum?

The Foundation Programme Curriculum sets out the framework for educational progression that will support the first two years of professional development following graduation from medical school. Under the Curriculum, foundation doctors have to demonstrate that they are competent in a number of areas.

What is foundation class in primary school?

Foundation Stage 1 takes place in a pre-school / childcare environment such as Nursery between the ages 3 and 4 but is non-compulsory education. Foundation Stage 2 takes place in the Reception class of an Infant or Primary school between the ages 4 and 5.

How much does an Ofsted annual report cost?

Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 9 February 1999 129 £10.95 Sterling published by The Stationery Office OFSTED – The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools Contents

What is the annual report of Her Majesty’s chief inspector of schools?

OFSTED – The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools Preface This Report draws on three sources of evidence: Section 10 inspections carried out by registered inspectors; inspections carried out by Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools (HMI); research reviews commissioned by OFSTED.

What is the behaviour of pupils in schools like?

Behaviour of pupils is unsatisfactory in only 2 per cent of primary schools. It is unsatisfactory in 6 per cent of secondary schools, which is too high. However, relationships are generally good. Most schools provide well for social and moral development of pupils.


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