What does recourse to mean?

What does recourse to mean?

1a : a turning to someone or something for help or protection settled the matter without recourse to law. b : a source of help or strength : resort had no recourse left. 2 : the right to demand payment from the maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument (such as a check)

What does it mean to recourse someone?

access or resort to a person or thing for help or protection: to have recourse to the courts for justice. a person or thing resorted to for help or protection. the right to collect from a maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument.

What does seek recourse mean?

Recourse comes from the Latin word recursus, meaning “to run back or retreat.” People seek recourse from such difficulties as debt, illness and legal woes, so you can think of recourse as the words “retreating from curses” squished together.

What is the meaning of without recourse?

A phrase meaning that one party has no legal claim against another party. It is often used in two contexts: 1. In litigation, someone without recourse against another party cannot sue that party, or at least cannot obtain adequate relief even if a lawsuit moves forward.

What is a synonym for recourse?

“One can only wonder whether a parent getting lower-than-estimated grades would have recourse to a re-mark.”…What is another word for have recourse to?

call on draw on
utiliseUK utilizeUS
appeal to avail oneself of
bring into play look to
make use of run to

How do you use recourse?

something or someone turned to for assistance or security.

  1. I have no other recourse than to inform the police.
  2. We may conclude that he never had recourse to this simple experiment.
  3. I hope the doctors won’t have recourse to surgery.
  4. She often had recourse to her dictionary.
  5. Surgery may be the only recourse.

How do you use recourse in a sentence?

Recourse sentence example

  1. Recourse was then had to protective legislation.
  2. He had no recourse against them yet.
  3. For the first time in his life Charles was now obliged to have recourse to diplomacy; and his pen proved almost as formidable as his sword.

What is Bank recourse?

Recourse is the lender’s legal right to collect the borrower’s pledged collateral if the borrower does not pay their debt obligation. If a borrower defaults on a recourse loan, the lender might levy the borrower’s bank accounts or garnish wages in order to repay the debt balance.

What is the opposite of recourse?

recourse. Antonyms: avoidance, independence, omission, abstinence, dispensation, disuse. Synonyms: reference, aid, application, betaking, refuge.

What are antonyms for recourse?

antonyms for recourse

  • blockage.
  • hindrance.
  • injury.
  • obstruction.
  • permanent.
  • stop.

What are recourse states?

A recourse state is one that allows mortgagers to pursue additional legal action in the event of a mortgage default situation. In addition to the normal foreclosure process associated with a mortgage default, the mortgagor may be able to pursue additional action in order to recover damages from the plaintiff.

What is a recourse rate?

Recourse Rate means the applicable maximum Tariff rate that would apply to a service but for the rate flexibility allowed under the Discounted and Negotiated Rate provisions of the GTC of this Tariff.

What does recourse mean in English language?

English Language Learners Definition of recourse. : an opportunity or choice to use or do something in order to deal with a problem or situation. See the full definition for recourse in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the meaning of no recourse left?

1a : a turning to someone or something for help or protection settled the matter without recourse to law. b : a source of help or strength : resort had no recourse left.

What is a recourse for the Ombudsman?

Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. If the company won’t pay me, the only recourse left to me is to sue them. a recourse for sb The Ombudsman is a recourse for homeowners who feel let down by their estate agent.

What is the etymology of the word recurs?

Middle English recours, from Anglo-French recurs, from Late Latin recursus, from Latin, act of running back, from recurrere to run back — more at recur ‘Recur’ and ‘Reoccur’: A Subtle…


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