What does registered for CIS mean?

What does registered for CIS mean?

Construction Industry Scheme
Under the Construction Industry Scheme ( CIS ), contractors deduct money from a subcontractor’s payments and pass it to HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ). The deductions count as advance payments towards the subcontractor’s tax and National Insurance. Contractors must register for the scheme.

How do I find out if a company is CIS registered?

CIS subcontractor verification using the HMRC website

  1. Log on to the HMRC website using their login details.
  2. On the left hand side of their CIS webpage should be a link ‘add subcontractor’
  3. It will then ask what type of business the subcontractor is i.e Individual, Company, etc.

Can I be self-employed without UTR?

The only people who need UTR numbers are those who file Self-Assessment tax returns – that means that they’ve either set up a limited company or they’re self-employed.

Can I be self-employed without a UTR number?

Yes, you need a UTR number to complete your self-assessment tax return successfully. If you’re self-employed, or you own a limited company, you need a UTR number.

Can you pay a subcontractor without a UTR?

Yes – but he must still be verified with HMRC first, and he will have to be paid under the higher rate of deduction – at 30%.

How do I set up CIs for a contact?

Set a default CIS ledger account on a contact, to make sure CIS is always deducted automatically and prevent errors. Choose to allow reverse charge VAT to be applied to relevant transactions created for a contact. Once a contact is set up for CIS it can’t be disabled.

How do I view the CIS ledger accounts for a contact?

CIS ledger accounts are only visible to CIS registered contacts. For existing contacts, this is on the Options tab. From the CIS tab, select CIS Registered checkbox. This indicates that the contact is using the CIS scheme and the appropriate ledger accounts can be selected.

How do I allow cis to be deducted from invoices?

Set up contacts as CIS contractors to allow CIS to be deducted from invoices. The required ledger accounts are only available to CIS contacts. Set VAT registered contacts to use reverse charge VAT, where applicable, so VAT can be applied correctly to their invoices.

Where can I get help with Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) problems?

Speak to an adviser online about Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) problems. Call HMRC if you have a general query about the Construction Industry Scheme. Our phone line opening hours are:


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