What does resistance mean in art?

What does resistance mean in art?

Resist art is an art technique that uses several layers to expose or define a design in negative space. Using a clear medium, tape, or other item, the artist covers portions of a surface with a “resist” layer to shape invisible designs, patterns, and other things.

What does line mean in artwork?

A line in art is defined as a point moving in space, and it’s one of the seven elements of art (line, color, shape, form, texture, value, space). It is one of the most crucial elements, as everything begins with just a simple dot in space, that transforms into lines and then drawings.

What are the characteristics of the resistance art?

Much of the art was public, taking the form of murals, banners, posters, t-shirts and graffiti with political messages that were confrontational and focused on the realities of life in a segregated South Africa.

What is sociological resistance?

1. group opposition to the political, economic, or social actions and policies of a government or society. 2. subgroup opposition to the values and strictures of a dominant culture.

What is creative cultural resistance?

We could start with this inclusive definition (found on the ICNC website): Creative cultural resistance is the broad use of arts, literature, and traditional practices in the service of protest and political and social actions.

How do you define a line drawing?

Line art or line drawing is any image that consists of distinct straight or curved lines placed against a (usually plain) background, without gradations in shade (darkness) or hue (color) to represent two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects.

Why is line important in art?

Lines are used to create shape, pattern, texture, space, movement and optical illusion in design. The use of lines allows artist to demonstrate delicacy or force. Curves may take us slowly uphill, or turn sharply twisting our mind as they turn. a line can express various moods and feelings.

Why art is communication of emotion?

Art is an expression of emotion, designed by a human as a means of communicating that emotion…show more content… It is both the spectator and the artist who make a piece truly art: the artist must convey an emotion, and the spectator must receive it. The existence of art plays a dual and somewhat conflicting role.

How Aristotle and Plato define art?

Plato and Aristotle argue that artist (Demiurge) and poet imitate nature, thus, a work of art is a relection of nature. Plato believes in the existence of the ideal world, where exists a real form of every object found in nature. A work of art –which reflects nature-is twice far from the reality it represents.

What is the meaning of political resistance?

According to Joint Publication 1-02, the United States Department of Defense defines a resistance movement as “an organized effort by some portion of the civil population of a country to resist the legally established government or an occupying power and to disrupt civil order and stability”.

What influenced Norman Catherine?

At one point he describes his work as ‘a kind of mixture of early African art mixed with more contemporary themes,’ influenced by masks and fetishes, the ritualistic.

What is a resistance line?

A Resistance line, sometimes also known as a Speed Line, helps identify stock trends and levels of support and resistance. Resistance lines are technical indication tools used by equity analysts and investors to determine the price trend of a specific stock.

What do support and resistance lines mean in trading?

However, support and resistance lines are horizontal lines drawn under the minor lows and above the highs respectively. They indicate where a previous rally met resistance that drove the price back down and where a previous decline met support that pushed the price back up.

How to draw support and resistance lines on a point and figure?

Support and resistance lines on a Point and Figure chart is the easiest to draw as the support lines are simply at the top of the peaks and the resistances line are simply at the bottom of the dips.

Can resistance happen in art without a political form?

“Resistance can happen in art without a political form,” said Rasheed Araeen to open his lecture.


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