What does SCH stand for in medical terms?

What does SCH stand for in medical terms?

The most common ultrasound abnormality in these women is a subchorionic haematoma (SCH) [2]. SCH is a collection of blood between the chorionic membrane and the uterine wall [2].

What does SCH stand for in ophthalmology?

Suprachoroidal hemorrhage (SCH) is a rare, but potentially vision threatening pathology that may manifest as a consequence of intraocular surgery. It occurs when blood from the long or short ciliary arteries fills within the space between the choroid and the sclera.

What is SCH college?

The terms are used interchangeably in U.S. universities. A semester credit hour (SCH) is the amount of credit a student earns for successful completion of one contact hour and two preparation hours per week for a semester.

What does as mean in pharmacy?

Table 1: Common Medical Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning / Intended Meaning
a.s., AS left ear
ASA aspirin
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ATC around the clock

What is SCH in higher ed?

The Student Credit Hours (SCH) and the Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) Enrollments reports present enrollment data for fall, spring, and summer terms from 2001 forward. Data is available by term, campus, college, student level, and degree-seeking status.

What is NV on eye prescription?

NV stands for near vision, or the amount of power that needs to be added to make reading easier. OD means oculus dexter, or your right eye. OU stands for oculus uterque, or both eyes. OS is oculus sinister, or your left eye.

What is SCH mean?

Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is defined as mild thyroid function failure and diagnosed by elevated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) with normal free thyroxine (FT4) concentration.9 SCH has a possibility to progress to overt hypothyroidism.

What is the abbreviation for scheduling?

Abbreviated Schedule/Part-Time. Abbreviated schedule or part-time work is a regular arrangement consisting of a work week that is less than the standard 40 hours per week.

What are common texting abbreviations?

LOL, LMAO, BRB, IMHO and OMG are among the most common abbreviations used in texting. BTW, FWIW, ILY, THX and JK are other common texting abbreviations. Often, single numerals and letters are used to abbreviate certain words.


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