What does take a hike mean in slang?

What does take a hike mean in slang?

informal. : to go away : leave They paid Miss Beane to take a hike.

Should I take a hike?

It’s healthy: Not only is it good for cardiovascular health and muscle tone that uses every part of your body, hiking can help you sleep better. Studies show that hiking can lower stress levels, which helps lead to a good night of shut-eye. It’s for everybody: Since its such a broad activity, anybody can hike.

What does take a walk mean?

Leave abruptly, walk out. For example, If she’s rude again I’m just going to take a walk, or The director would not put up with tantrums and ordered the young actress to take a walk.

Does green around the gills mean?

Also, green around the gills. Looking ill or nauseated, as in After that bumpy ride she looked quite green about the gills. The use of green to describe an ailing person’s complexion dates from about 1300, and gills has referred to the flesh around human jaws and ears since the 1600s.

What is the reason for hiking?

Going up and down hills gets the heart pumping, creating a great cardio workout. Like most cardio exercises, hiking helps reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even some cancers. Hiking is a weight-bearing exercise, which builds muscle mass and helps prevent osteoporosis.

What does heavily trafficked trail mean?

This is the noun ‘traffic’ meaning ‘movement of people/goods/vehicles etc’ used as an adjective to describe that this trail has few hikers/mountain bikers (or a light amount of traffic). Please note that I found a very similar text to the one you quoted, which claimed that in fact this trail is heavily used.

What does out and back hike mean?

Out-and-Back trails start and end at the same location and follow a single trail or multiple trails to an end point and then return along the same route. These routes are often part of a multi-day hiking or backpacking trip or segments of a long distance trail such as the Appalachian Trail or Pacific Crest Trail.

Where did take a hike come from?

Take a hike is a rude phrase, usually spoken to a pest or spoken by a bully. The origin of the word hike is not definite, though the word hyke, meaning to take a vigorous walk, was in use at the turn of the nineteenth century. By 1830, hike was used to tell someone in a rough manner to depart the area.

What does wet behind the ears come from?

The idiom wet behind the ears is a reference to a newborn baby, still wet with amniotic fluid. It is an American phrase, coined around 1902, though Edward Bulwer-Lytton used the phrase not yet dry behind the ears in the novel The Parisians in 1873.

What does the phrase take a hike mean?

Hike is defined as to take a long outdoor walk, particularly through a nature area or up a mountain, or to pull up or raise something. An example of hike is to walk up a mountain side.

What are the best things to take on a hike?

The best snacks for the trail are ones that will provide you with high energy, such as fruit, granola, peanut butter, bagels, power bars, fruit bars, G.O.R.P. (trail mix), beef jerky, or even candy. Again, take extra food with you in case your hike takes longer than expected for whatever reason.

What is the best thing to eat before a hike?

Oatmeal is one of the best breakfasts you can eat on any regular day, but will be additionally beneficial before a long hike. Because of the high fiber and carbohydrate content in oatmeal, it will keep you perfectly energized throughout your journey.

How long does a hike take?

Naturally, that depends on a lot of factors, including the trail condition, how flat it is, and your level of fitness. A rule of thumb is to allow one hour to hike two miles; and another hour for each thousand feet of altitude you’re gaining. So 8 miles over flat terrain will take 4 hours for a typical hiker .


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