What does Tegument mean?

What does Tegument mean?

Definitions of tegument. a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch. synonyms: cutis, skin.

What is one meaning of the suffix?

A suffix is a letter or group of letters placed at the end of a word to create a new word. Sometimes, a suffix changes the meaning of the word it is attached to. For example, the word defense means protection, but if you add the suffix -less, you end up with the adjective defenseless, which means unprotected.

What is the root word of integument?

An integument is an outer layer, like a human’s skin or a walnut’s shell. Use the noun integument when you need a scientific term for an organism’s protective covering. The Latin root is integumentum, “a covering,” from integere, “to cover over.”

What are Microtriches used for?

The microtriches in cestodes, and pits and spines in trematodes increase the surface area of the teguments for enhanced absorption of nutrients. In addition, they act as sensory organs for detecting the surrounding environmental cues and primary target site of anthelmintic drugs.

What does Leukotrichia mean?

‘Leukotrichia’ means ‘white hair’, while poliosis is the presence of white or hypopigmented hairs in a group of follicles. Leukotrichia/poliosis results from a reduction or absence of melanin in the hair follicle. , The term ‘canities’ is usually used to indicate progressive loss of hair pigment with age.

What are the 10 example of suffix?

Common Suffixes in English

Suffix Meaning Example
-ment condition of argument, endorsement, punishment
-ness state of being heaviness, sadness, rudeness, testiness
-ship position held fellowship, ownership, kinship, internship
-sion, -tion state of being concession, transition, abbreviation

What is the integument?

In humans, the integument includes the skin, hair, and nails, as well as skin glands. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and the integumentary system plays an important role in functions like protecting the body and regulating heat.

What is integument function?

The integumentary system includes the epidermis, dermis, hypodermis, associated glands, hair, and nails. In addition to its barrier function, this system performs many intricate functions such as body temperature regulation, cell fluid maintenance, synthesis of Vitamin D, and detection of stimuli.

Where is tegument found?

All herpesviruses have a tegument, a layer of protein located between the virus membrane and the capsid. Depending on the virus species, the tegument can be 20 to 40 nm in thickness, and it may be uniformly or asymmetrically distributed about the capsid (7, 17, 24, 33).

What is tegument in tapeworm?

Tegument /ˈtɛɡjʊmənt/ is a term in helminthology for the outer body covering of members of the phylum Platyhelminthes. It is characteristic of flatworms including the broad groups of tapeworms and flukes. Once considered to be a non-living component, it is now known to be a dynamic cellular structure.

What is Hypotrichosis?

(HY-poh-trih-KOH-sis) A rare condition in which there is little or no hair growth on the head, including the brows above the eyes and the edge of the eyelids, or other areas of the body where hair normally grows.

What is the true leadership definition?

The true leadership definition is to influence, inspire and help others become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way. You don’t have to be a CEO, manager or even a team lead to be a leader.

What is the meaning of leadership in English?

English Language Learners Definition of leadership. : a position as a leader of a group, organization, etc. : the time when a person holds the position of leader. : the power or ability to lead other people. See the full definition for leadership in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Keep scrolling for more.

What is leadership and why does it matter?

When one person harnesses their powers to lead, it strengthens the leadership opportunities of others, rather than diminishing them. That’s because the ultimate definition of leadership is empowering others to become effective leaders as well. That’s why many iconic leaders have incredible mentors they cite for their success.

What is another word for tegument?

Synonym (s): tegument (2) n. A natural outer covering; an integument. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company.


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