What does the 4 letters on the cross mean?

What does the 4 letters on the cross mean?

INRI, the four letters depicted in Christian iconography of the crucifixion, stands for Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, which is Latin for “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” Latin doesn’t have a letter “J.” Instead they used the letter “I” to make a similar sound to a modern “J.” This was called a “consonantal I,” …

What were the letters on Jesus cross?

The initialism INRI (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum) represents the Latin inscription (in John 19:19), which in English translates to “Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews”, and John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages—Hebrew, Latin, and Greek—during the crucifixion of Jesus.

What does a Tau cross look like?

The tau cross is a T-shaped cross, sometimes with all three ends of the cross expanded. It is called a “tau cross” because it is shaped like the Greek letter tau, which in its upper-case form has the same appearance as Latin letter T.

What are the symbols on the crucifix?

  • Crucifix. The crucifix is a cross with the figure of the body of Jesus Christ attached to it.
  • Alpha and Omega. Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.
  • The Cross.
  • 6 Rare and Unique Eye Colors.
  • The Sacred Heart.
  • IHS and Chi-Rho.
  • The Fish.
  • Fleur-de-Lis.

What does IHS mean on a crucifix?

IHS (also IHC), a monogram or symbol for the name Jesus, is a contraction of the Greek word for Jesus, which in Greek is spelled IHΣΟΥΣ in uncial (majuscule) letters and Iησους in minuscule letters and is transliterated into the Latin alphabet as Iēsus, Jēsus, or Jesus.

What does INRI mean on the crucifix?

Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews
INRI is generally thought of to refer to “Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum,” meaning “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” but apparently there’s more.

Why is the Franciscan cross at?

As a Franciscan symbol, the TAU, resembling the Cross, is a sign of conversion. Because of his affection and devotion to the cross of Christ, St. Francis used this sign as his personal signature. The TAU for Francis and for us is a sign of hope and a reminder of the goodness and love of God.


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