What does the acronym BNP stand for?

What does the acronym BNP stand for?

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test is a blood test that measures levels of a protein called BNP that is made by your heart and blood vessels. BNP levels are higher than normal when you have heart failure.

What does BNP stand for in economics?


Acronym Definition
BNP Bardia National Park (Nepal)
BNP Basotho National Party (Lesotho)
BNP Banco Nacional de Panama
BNP Biscayne National Park

What does Navy acronym stand for?

NAVY. Never Again Volunteer Yourself. NAVY. Nautical Army of Volunteer Yeoman (Australia)

What is the function of BNP?

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a peptide hormone that is released in response to volume expansion and the increased wall stress of cardiac myocytes. BNP helps to promote diuresis, natriuresis, vasodilation of the systemic and pulmonary vasculature, and reduction of circulating levels of endothelin and aldosterone.

What is BNP Paribas known for?

BNP Paribas is the largest French banking group and the largest bank in the Eurozone. It became one of the five largest banks in the world following the 2008 financial crisis.

What is XO military?

In many militaries and police forces, an executive officer, or “XO”, is the second-in-command, reporting to the commanding officer. The XO is typically responsible for the management of day-to-day activities, freeing the commander to concentrate on strategy and planning the unit’s next move.

What is Tao in Navy?

Assessment of Navy Tactics: the Tactical Action Officer (TAO)

Why is it called BNP?

BNP was initially called brain natriuretic peptide because it was first found in brain tissue (and to distinguish it from a similar protein made in the atria, or upper chambers, of the heart, termed ANP). BNP is actually produced primarily by cells in the left ventricle of the heart.

What does BNP stand for in a blood test?

B-type natriuretic peptide This test looks for the hormone BNP in your blood. BNP stands for brain natriuretic peptide. Heart failure happens when your heart is not pumping blood well. This causes cells inside your heart to release BNP.

What is ananp and what does it mean?

ANP is a hormone similar to BNP, but a different part of your heart makes it. You may also have other blood tests, a chest X-ray, an electrocardiogram, or an echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of the heart. What do my test results mean?

What causes BNP to be elevated in heart failure?

Heart failure happens when your heart is not pumping blood well. This causes cells inside your heart to release BNP. This opens up blood vessels in your body to take pressure off your heart. A BNP blood test correctly shows heart failure about 90% of the time.

How accurate is the a BNP test?

A BNP test is quite accurate and it only takes about 15 minutes to get the results. Why do I need this test? You may need this test if your healthcare provider thinks you could have heart failure. The main symptom of heart failure is trouble breathing (dyspnea).


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