What does the federal commission do?

What does the federal commission do?

The FTC protects consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. We conduct investigations, sue companies and people that violate the law, develop rules to ensure a vibrant marketplace, and educate consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities.

Who is the chairman of Federal Public Service Commission?

Federal Public Service Commission

Agency overview
Headquarters Islamabad, Pakistan
Agency executives Zahid Saeed, Chairman Humaira Ahmed, Secretary Fazal Abbas Maken, Member
Parent agency Civil Service of Pakistan
Website www.fpsc.gov.pk

Is the Federal Trade Commission real?

The FTC deals with issues that touch the economic life of every American. The FTC is the only federal agency with both consumer protection and competition jurisdiction in broad sectors of the economy.

What power does the FTC have?

The FTC has the ability to implement trade regulation rules defining with specificity acts or practices that are unfair or deceptive and the Commission can publish reports and make legislative recommendations to Congress about issues affecting the economy.

Does reporting to the FTC do anything?

The power of ReportFraud.ftc.gov Your report is shared with more than 3,000 law enforcers. We can’t resolve your individual report, but we use reports to investigate and bring cases against fraud, scams, and bad business practices.

What is FPSC exam?

Federal Public Service Commission carries out FPSC test for the recruitment of bureaucrats for serving the nation. The commission or FPSC stand for providing people information and services with transparency concerning the provision of civil jobs and public job positions.

What is GR test in FPSC?

The GR Test Phase-I & II/2021 comprises of the following three components: Written Examination. Screening Test. Viva Voce Test.

How do I contact the FTC?

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about consumer topics and file a fraud report online or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357).

What is a federal service?

Federal Service. Federal Service is a term applied to United States National Guard members and units when called to active duty to serve the federal government under Article I, Section 8 and Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution and the US Code , title 10 (Department of Defense), sections 12401 to 12408.

What is the Federal Commission Act?

The Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 established the Federal Trade Commission. The Act, signed into law by Woodrow Wilson in 1914, outlaws unfair methods of competition and outlaws unfair acts or practices that affect commerce.

What is Dell Services federal government?

Dell Services Federal Government, Inc. provides information technology and process management services to the defense, intelligence, and state and local law enforcement communities.


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