What does the fog horn symbolize in Chapter 8?

What does the fog horn symbolize in Chapter 8?

“I couldn’t sleep all night; a fog-horn was groaning incessantly on the Sound…” The foghorn in this instance could function as a symbol for the unforgettable and obnoxious memory from the previous night. Heightens the contrast between the enormous house and the solitary loneliness of Gatsby.

Where is the word surmise in The Great Gatsby?

From the moment I telephoned news of the catastrophe to West Egg village, every surmise about him, and every practical question, was referred to me.

What did Michaelis see?

You may fool me but you can’t fool God! ‘ ” Standing behind him Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg which had just emerged pale and enormous from the dissolving night.

What did Gatsby do after armistice?

1919. After Armistice, Gatsby spends five months at Oxford University in England, in a program for army officers.

What does the fog horn symbolize in Great Gatsby?

The personification of the fog-horn ‘groaning’ (which keeps him awake) also conveys a sense of distress. turned out the light – This passage is similar to the opening of Chapter 7, where the lights ‘failed to go on’, except this is Daisy’s extinction of her romantic associations with Gatsby.

What is Nick’s meaning when he says the Holocaust was complete?

8 what is nicks meaning when he says ” The holocaust was complete?” The elite caused a massacre of all of those in the novel and if you didn’t have money and if you weren’t well known in society, you died. Shortly after he killed Gatsby, he shot himself so there was no proof on who killed him.

What does Nick surmise from Gatsby’s answer?

When Nick asks Gatsby what part of the middle west he is from, Gatsby replies, “San Francisco”. What does Nick surmise from Gatsby’s answer? That Gatsby is unaware the San Francisco is not in the middle west and that he might be lying.

What does commensurate mean in The Great Gatsby?

commensurate. corresponding in size or degree or extent.

What does Michaelis say in his testimony?

Harry wrote: “Where do you read that Michaelis said a man was driving? And under oath, Michaelis testified that the car that struck Myrtle was light green. Like so many eye witnesses, the man was not reliable.”

Why does Michaelis think that Myrtle ran?

What does Michaelis believe caused Myrtle to run? Michaelis believed that Mrs. Wilson (Myrtle) had been running away from her husband, Wilson, rather than trying to stop any particular car. Myrtle ran because she thought Tom was in the yellow car.

What was it that attracted Gatsby to Daisy?

Why is the young Gatsby drawn to Daisy? Because she’s beautiful, she’s the 1st “nice” girl he had known, he loves her house, how she lives, and the fact that men already loved her increased her worth. Like she was a prize or stock.

How did Daisy meet Jay Gatsby?

Gatsby and Daisy first met before Gatsby went off to war. Gatsby met Daisy when his character was stationed near her home city in Kentucky. While he was about to go to war, Daisy promised Gatsby she would wait for him to return.


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