What does the Resource Management Act 1991 do?

What does the Resource Management Act 1991 do?

The purpose of the Resource Management Act is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. (c) avoiding, remedying, or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment.

What are the three main principles of the Resource Management Act 1991?

by stating particular obligations for those administering the RMA. There are three sets of principles: Matters of national importance – which decision makers must ‘recognise and provide for’; Other matters – which decision makers must ‘have particular regard to”; and.

What are the five activity classifications under the Resource Management Act 1991?

The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) classifies activities into six classes: permitted, controlled, restricted discretionary, discretionary, non-complying and prohibited.

What resources are covered under the RMA?

As well as managing air, soil, freshwater and the coastal marine area, the RMA regulates land use and the provision of infrastructure, which are integral components of Aotearoa New Zealand’s resource management system.

What is a permitted baseline?

The permitted baseline allows the consent authority to disregard adverse effects which are permitted by a rule or a national environmental standard. An activity which is permitted but “fanciful” (or purely hypothetical) should not be considered part of the permitted baseline.

What does resource management do?

Resource management is acquiring, allocating and managing the resources, such as individuals and their skills, finances, technology, materials, machinery and natural resources required for a project. Resource management ensures that internal and external resources are used effectively on time and to budget.

Who administers the Resource Management Act?

Note 4 at the end of this version provides a list of the amendments included in it. This Act is administered by the Ministry for the Environment.

Is 243 a Resource Management Act?

Section 243 was amended, as from 7 July 1993, by section 130(1) Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 (1993 No 65) by inserting the words “or any certificate of title is issued” .

Who is responsible for the RMA?

Central and local government have responsibilities to administer the Resource Management Act 1991. While central government provides national direction, local government implements the act and its regulations in each territory.

When did the Resource Management Act come into effect?

Resource Management Act 1991

Public Act 1991 No 69
Date of assent 22 July 1991
Commencement see section 1(2)

What is a receiving environment?

The receiving environment is the environment upon which a proposed activity might have effects. the environment as it might be modified by implementing resource consents that have been granted at the time a particular application is considered, where it appears likely that those resource consents will be implemented.

What is a minor environmental impact?

(a) ‘Minor’ effect means a de minimis effect. (b) For a discretionary (restricted) activity effects on the environment do not include those effects that are not capable of being considered because of the restricted discretion provided in the plan.


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