What does the term groundwater mining refer to?

What does the term groundwater mining refer to?

The term “groundwater mining” refers to. the removal of overlying rock to each groundwater. the excavation of tunnels to reach groundwater. the removal of groundwater at a rate faster than it can be replaced.

Which of the following can be used to estimate potential evapotranspiration?

For the estimation of potential evapotranspiration, you can used the Thornthwaite formula which established a correction between monthly mean temperature and monthly evapotranspiration. If you have a lot of meteorological data, I recommend for calculated PET or ETo use Penman-Monteith method.

Which is the largest practical potential source of fresh water in North America?

US and Canadian researchers recently calculated the total amount of the world’s groundwater and estimated that it is equivalent to a lake 180 metres deep covering the entire Earth. This makes groundwater the largest active freshwater resource on the planet.

Which of the following is an example of the consumptive use of water?

ANSWER: Consumptive use means that the water cannot be recovered, usually because it is lost to evaporation or transpiration, or to deep aquifers. Examples include irrigation, lawn watering, and some fraction of the water used for fracking or cooling in thermoelectric power generation.

What is the upper layer of ground water called?

water table
water table, also called groundwater table, upper level of an underground surface in which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water. The water table separates the groundwater zone that lies below it from the capillary fringe, or zone of aeration, that lies above it.

What is groundwater mining quizlet?

Groundwater mining. Exists when the amount of water withdrawn from an aquifer exceeds the aquifers sustained yield = an overdraft. Taking out more than can recharge.

What is PET and AET?

PET is a function of relative humidity, solar radiation, water availability, wind, and temperature. AET or ET is how much water is going to evaporate when there is a water limitation. AET is a function of vegetation cover, root, and soil. Usually, PET is larger than ET.

What is irrigation evapotranspiration?

Evapotranspiration (ET) The combination of two separate processes whereby water is lost on the one hand from the soil surface by evaporation and on the other hand from the crop by transpiration is referred to as evapotranspiration (ET).

What is the surface of the water called?

Surface water is any body of water above ground, including streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, and creeks. The ocean, despite being saltwater, is also considered surface water. Water that seeps deep into the ground is called groundwater.

What rock type dominates the Ogallala Aquifer?

The Ogallala Aquifer is an unconfined aquifer, primarily composed of sand, gravel, clay and silt, whereas the Trinity Aquifer is a sandstone-carbonate rock aquifer and partly confined.

What is the other name of flood irrigation?

Surface irrigation
Surface irrigation is often referred to as flood irrigation, implying that the water distribution is uncontrolled and therefore, inherently inefficient. In reality, some of the irrigation practices grouped under this name involve a significant degree of management (for example surge irrigation).

What is the other name for flood irrigation *?

d) Flood Irrigation. Explanation: As perennial irrigation system works on perennial water sources, the flow of water in those sources can be controlled by the construction of canals, weirs, check dams, dams etc. So in this way there is no sudden rush of water during irrigation unlike in uncontrolled irrigation.


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