What does the term Luger mean?

What does the term Luger mean?

a brand of automatic pistol of 9-millimeter caliber, made in Germany.

Who invented the 45 ACP?

John Browning
The Colt 45 was invented by gun designer John Browning and made by the Colt firearm company and is one of the most famous military handguns of all time. The M-1911 had its official birthday on 1911 when the government was looking for a reliable man-stopper to replace the wimpy 38 caliber pistols that were in service.

What is Parabellum ammunition?

The 9x19mm Parabellum is an ammunition cartridge with a bullet measuring 9mm in diameter and a casing that measures 19mm in length. The name “Parabellum” comes from the motto of the first company to manufacture 9x19mm ammo, the German munitions manufacturer Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabriken (DWM).

What is the history of the MP38?

The MP38 served as the predecessor to the well known MP40 series of mass-produced submachine guns developed by the Germans in World War 2. The type was revolutionary principally in its construction which broke from the practiced norms of the time.

What does the “L” on the MP38(L) mean?

For logical reasons the “L” means “leicht” (light). With a weight of 3.34 kg (7.35 lb) the MP38 (L) weights one kilogram less than the MP40. Marking “M.P.38 (L)” on the top rear of the receiver. Neither manufacturer nor date are mentioned. The military manufacturer code of ERMA is not put on the weapon.

What is the mp38/40 Maschinenpistole?

THE MP-38/40 Maschinenpistole was the standard Wehrmacht submachine gun of World War Two. Here are six things you should know about this famous firearm. MP38/40 specs Calibre: 9x19mm Parabellum

Where is the MP38(L) v3013 now?

The MP38(L) The submachine gun with serial number V3013 is kept in the outstanding collection of the Czechoslovak Military Museum in Prague (Vojenský historický ústav Praha).


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