What does the term presidential coattails refer to?

What does the term presidential coattails refer to?

Presidential coattails is the ability of a presidential candidate to bring out supporters who then vote for his party’s candidates for other offices. In effect, the other candidates are said to ride on his coattails.

What is the coattail effect quizlet?

coattail effect. occurs when a strong candidate running for an office at the top of the ballot helps attract voters to other candidates on the party’s ticket.

What is an incumbent senator?

The incumbent is the current holder of an office or position, usually in relation to an election. In the United States, an election without an incumbent is referred to as an open seat or open contest.

What is meant by off year election?

An off-year election is a general election in the United States which is held when neither a presidential election nor a midterm election takes place. Almost all “off-year” elections are held on odd-numbered years.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between Hyperpartisanship and polarization quizlet?

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between hyperpartisanship and polarization? Polarization increases hyperpartisanship and decreases bipartisanship.

What is a delegate in government?

A delegate is a person selected to represent a group of people in some political assembly of the United States. In the United States Congress delegates are elected to represent the interests of a United States territory and its citizens or nationals.

What is a soundbite quizlet?

Sound bite. a brief, memorable comment that can easily be fit into news broadcasts.

What does Delegates mean quizlet?

delegate. someone who speaks or acts on behalf of an organization at a meeting or conference between organizations of the same level.

What does incumbent mean in law?

Related Definitions Incumbent means a person who is in present possession of an elected office.

What is political Effi?

In political science, political efficacy is the citizens’ trust in their ability to change the government and belief that they can understand and influence political affairs. It is commonly measured by surveys and is used as an indicator for the broader health of civil society.

What does it mean to have a coat of coattails?

The term refers to the power of a popular candidate to gather support for other candidates running on the same party ticket. Winning candidates are said to have coattails when they drag candidates for lower office along with them to victory. The expression dates from the mid-19th century when coats with tails were the fashion for men.

What is the co-coattail effect in politics?

coattail effect. The term refers to the power of a popular candidate to gather support for other candidates running on the same party ticket.

What is the coattail effect according to Lincoln?

Lincoln’s use of coattail refers more to a presidential candidate providing cover for fellow party members rather than a rising political tide lifting all boats. The Google Books Ngram Viewer points to the recency of the coattail effect’s use in political literature.


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