What does the ventral stream do?

What does the ventral stream do?

a pathway that carries visual information from the primary visual cortex to the temporal lobe. According to one widely-accepted hypothesis, the ventral stream (so named because of the path it takes along the ventral side of the brain) carries information related to object form and recognition.

What is the dorsal and ventral streams?

From their model, the ventral stream processes visual information for the purpose of visual perception (“vision for perception”), while the dorsal stream processes visual information for the purpose of executing movements (“vision for action”).

What happens when ventral stream is damaged?

Patients with damage to the ventral stream are typically unable to perceive the size, shape, and orientation of objects. Remarkably, however, some of these patients continue to show normal preshaping and rotation of the hand when they reach out to grasp the very objects whose forms they fail to see.

Where is the ventral pathway in the brain?

The ventral pathway was described as coursing through the occipitotemporal cortex to the anterior part of the inferior temporal gyrus (area TE)[1, 2], with a likely extension into the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC/area FDv)[3].

Where is the ventral stream and what happens there?

The ventral stream originates in primary visual cortex and extends along the ventral surface into the temporal cortex; the dorsal stream also arises in primary visual cortex, but continues along the dorsal surface into parietal cortex.

What is the function of dorsal pathway?

a pathway that carries visual information from the primary visual cortex to the parietal lobe.

Where is dorsal stream?

Dorsal stream Also known as the parietal stream, the “where” stream, or the “how” stream, this pathway stretches from the primary visual cortex (V1) in the occipital lobe forward into the parietal lobe.

What is a dorsal stream in psychology?

a pathway that carries visual information from the primary visual cortex to the parietal lobe. It is sometimes called the “where” pathway. …

Where is the ventral visual stream?

Why are there two cortical streams in the visual system?

Goodale in 1992, argues that humans possess two distinct visual systems. Recently there seems to be evidence of two distinct auditory systems as well. As visual information exits the occipital lobe, and as sound leaves the phonological network, it follows two main pathways, or “streams”.

What is the function of the ventral stream?

Two-streams hypothesis. The ventral stream (also known as the “what pathway”) is involved with object and visual identification and recognition. The dorsal stream (or, “where pathway”) is involved with processing the object’s spatial location relative to the viewer and with speech repetition.

What is the difference between the dorsal and ventral visual streams?

The ventral stream is known as the vision for perception pathway, and the dorsal stream is known as the vision for action pathway. Perception means determining shapes and objects, while action means depth and movement. Visual Agnosia is impairment in recognition of visually presented objects.

What are dorsal and ventral visual streams?

The dorsal stream (green) and ventral stream (purple) are shown. They originate from a common source in the visual cortex. The two-streams hypothesis is a widely accepted and influential model of the neural processing of vision as well as hearing.

What does the ventral pathway do?

The ventral pathway is hypothesised to play the major role in object identification. The temporal lobe receives this visual input from the ventral pathway, and the object(s) in the visual scene are compared to stored representations in the object-memory system, also located in the temporal lobe.


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